Reviews for Dark Fire |
Cesalie Chase chapter 1 . 11/10/2007 Very interesting! I'm not sure what to make of the plot yet - your summary kept it hidden pretty well (which is a good thing, mind you!), and I'm anxious to read the next chapter to find out just what is going on! You certainly seem full of ideas. I have to say, I'm enjoying the characters so far, for the most part. Tracy's mom does come across as a little bit over-the-top in the way she yells at her, but Tracy's character is very believable. I like her a lot. One particular thing I noticed is the way in which you've used physical description so that that it isn't distracting; that is, rather than saying it just to say it, I like how you've used it where it works naturally. Tricky stuff, but you've done a great job there. One thing to watch for, though, is the narrative voice. There are some places where, instead of "Tracy," the narration switches briefly to "I." Nothing too major - but it does make a difference. Oh, and that opening scene... BREATHTAKING. You have a wonderful way with imagery - personifying the wind, setting a quiet but chilling scene... It's interesting that Tracy would dream something like that - foreshadowing, perhaps? "Tracy's eyes snapped open." GREAT word choice! Tons of implications in just one word like that. I'm liking this story a lot. It has the feel of realistic fiction, even though it's genre is obviously fantasy. Actually, I shouldn't say obviously, because it really doesn't seem obvious at all - except for the dream, the silver creature, and the fact that Tracy's father was killed by wolves... (which had me stunned for a second, by the way). I'm not usually a fan of fantasy, but I like the way you're working this piece - it feels very realistic, which helps me to enjoy it. I'm anxious to see where the story leads! Keep up the great work... and have fun! Blessings, Cesalie :) |