Reviews for Autographs and Apologies
SwimmingThroughExistance chapter 1 . 12/29/2011
this was beautiful! even though it was prose, it had a poetic and lyrical quality to it. good job, it was very well-written
Musiclover712 chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
I absolutely love it.
eiyuang999 chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
hi !

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WhenItRains chapter 1 . 8/1/2008
That one actually made me feel a little sad lol. I think it might be because I'm still only 16, but I hate the idea of growing up and when Billy thought back to when he was 17 and wanted it to stay that way, well it made me wonder what I'm going to lose. Anyway this was just as good as the rest of your stories.
xLittleBlackConverse chapter 1 . 4/8/2008
ah god, that was beautiful. I'm crying now, though i have no idea because it wasnt really all that bittersweet. It has a bit of an open ending and its like one of those stories that are so..real, like no passionate kisses in the end or erratic confessions. I loved it. Amazing job on it.

A. Odango chapter 1 . 2/5/2008
Haha, I can't believe I made this account almost a year ago. I thought I made it in the summer!

Anyway, I'm using it because I can't post two reviews under the same name. And I'm too lazy to leave an anonymous review, even though I'd be anything but.

-Hey Kuya Coco!-

Hahahaha. Oh, yeah! You changed the title! And it's still good! Haha, I'm going to send you that picture one day, watch. Just wait and see.



(haha, look at my blog name)
outsidersgirl chapter 1 . 11/14/2007
a very good one
Lily Llynn chapter 1 . 11/13/2007
It's sad and wistful and really good writing, and I like it. (: I'm glad someone added it to our c2! (:
blue ruin chapter 1 . 11/13/2007
A lot of people put that this was cute and I don't want to make the word repetitive and annoying but it was unbelievably cute! The ending left a nice feeling in my heart and I even caught myself smiling (I hate when I do that). Great job!
Realilly chapter 1 . 11/12/2007
Aw! So cute. X}
backtobasics chapter 1 . 11/12/2007
Aww, this story is so cute. I normally don't read one shots because I hate that I don't find out what happens, and they're so short, but it didn't feel that way with yours. I don't know why, but it just felt like it ended where it was meant to, with enough mystery of what does or doesn't happen. Beautiful )
Lyssa O chapter 1 . 11/12/2007
OHMAN so many references I can't even begin. Okay, I can!

Haha, BILLY? LOLZ, omg I just keep SEEING his FACE with...that make up and haha, oh Billy! Well, okay, maybe I can picture him as how he looked in that one picture. You know, the one where he looked normal!

But how can I when I see the picture of that guy on my corkboard? LOL NYK! I was chortling when I read that description because it's dead on. So should I picture Billy in that guy's place? Or should I picture that guy as Billy? Ehehehe, he had too much hair.

And so this is the third time I've read this story! Haha, but it's always good no matter how many times I read it. It brings me back to our STL-planning days; for some reason, the image of our music video came to mind while I was reading it. And it's a good thing! I love being nostalgic!

AW YAY! Good job Nyk!
Lorango911 chapter 1 . 11/12/2007
I think the last four paragraphs are what really made my breath hitch... hehehehe 'hitch' i like that word...ahem.. ANYWAY... I could just picture him imagining the scenery change into the past of when he was seventeen again.. it was great.. I could see everything he saw.. ya know? And your endings are always bittersweet. That's what I like about them.. because they're not HAPPY endings.. but they're like... a solemn beginning... well a beginning that you leave the readers to think about...and it just leaves me all warm and fuzy inside. well I just wanted to let you know that I always love your oneshots... i'm never left feeling like it shouldn't be a oneshot. I'm always left satisfied. and it's a GREAT feeling. Ok well I miss you and I love you and I miss you.. and I need to get working on my homework cuz i haven't done it.. even though it's already 7:00 here... alright love you bye!