Reviews for Gorgot
mia aurora chapter 8 . 10/4/2013
great short story
mia aurora chapter 7 . 10/4/2013
oooo totally did not expect this.. :P
mia aurora chapter 1 . 10/4/2013
ooo so excited :P
DEAD WITCHES chapter 1 . 1/31/2013
P.S-I'm crazy... and violent.
aphawesome chapter 8 . 8/23/2012
You repel me.
Harlequin de Rustre chapter 8 . 10/8/2011
Meh. The evil wasn't very enjoyable. Giselle, more often than not, was more intelligent than her captors. Honestly, who fall for the "made you look trick" more than once in the same damn day?

Gawd, the only reason these idiots prevailed was because of Giselle's weak will and their physicality.

Whilst I like rooting for either side, I can't abide idiots. Or Satanists, but that's not relevant.

You need to write smarter villains, 'cause... this "dimwit badass" mold?; it pisses me off. Srsly.

You write so damn well, so could you... muster some effort to make a more entertaining evil?

Yadda yadda, rassen frassen, dagnabbit, gripegripegripeBAWW

With that outta the way, I'll say this: get creative. Simply that.
Harlequin de Rustre chapter 4 . 10/8/2011
This whole ordeal about faith with Gorgot seems to be one borne from something a little more simple: he abandoned hope and love for some self-involved and cynical worldview.

Instead of create, he destroys. Instead of love he hates. Instead of help, he hurts.

In this woman he lusts after, he sees a semblance of the boy he was, ever hopeful, ever thoughtful, even in the worst of situations. He hates seeing her faith, because it reminds him of how he ruined himself and what he either lost or abandoned in the process.

I've gotta say, Gorgot's really quite insecure for one so old...
Rebekah00710 chapter 8 . 6/20/2011
Charlie Drear chapter 8 . 3/15/2010
this was amazing. i really loved the "good doesn't always win" theme. :)
ImmortalDreams chapter 8 . 1/18/2010
I thought chapter 7 was bad... What was I thinking! This chapter is so gross! I think I really might puke this time... THIS IS HORRIBLE! Don't get me wrong. You're an awesome author; but the concepts are downright disturbing!
ImmortalDreams chapter 7 . 1/18/2010
That... That's possibly the most gruesome chapter I've ever read! Excuse me while I go and vomit...
ImmortalDreams chapter 6 . 1/18/2010
ImmortalDreams chapter 4 . 1/18/2010
Aw That stuff about Gorgot's past was sad, and the song was creepy. I like it! Onto chapter 5...
ImmortalDreams chapter 3 . 1/18/2010
This is a bit confusing... It's very original though. I'm going on to chapter 4 D
ImmortalDreams chapter 2 . 1/18/2010
One word: AWESOME! I admire Giselle's character. Gorgot is creepy though! EWW!
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