Reviews for Bad Luck
HIVENET chapter 20 . 12/12/2015
This was a goddamn rollercoaster.
Oh my god
What kind of gay bullshit did I just read until 3am
I love it
Taraxoxo chapter 20 . 7/18/2015
Well done! This is a great story!
kh chapter 20 . 4/13/2015
h my god, I enjoyed this so much. I don't even think I could read another slash story today and don't compare them. At first, I wanted Zack and Aiden to end up together (my last comment prove it), but then, when Aiden and Jake started their relationship, I changed my opinion. But oh, well, I never stopped liking Zack/Aiden so it was a great ending! I enjoy love triangles so much, I wish I could find more stories about them :(
kh chapter 3 . 4/9/2015
I didn't and won't read the others reviews (they spoil so much shit)
Anyways, I just wanted to say that I want them to fuck so hard. First time I don't care about the best friend route.
A.Collins chapter 10 . 3/1/2014
Okay, whatever, Aiden doesn't like his parents - lots of teens don't, what with the angst and shit.

But to purposely smoke a cigarette in their house is so totally beyond disrespectful. It doesn't even matter that they know he smokes. He doesn't pay rent, he knows they don't like him smoking - which they didn't even ground him for or punish him at all, so smoking in their house is just an unwarranted asshole move.

Plus he doesn't even have a proper reason to not like his parents; they let him be for the most part as long as he does his homework.

Love the story though, I love being mad at characters! It makes them more realistic :)
ajashire1 chapter 20 . 2/11/2014
Awwwwwwwwww I loved this story so much thank you for the hours of Entertainment & laughs. In all seriousness though really I am truly thankful I did love the story a lot
Mandy S. Bryan chapter 20 . 11/5/2013
Really good story.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/4/2013
David I heart you;3
kwiluvu chapter 20 . 7/28/2013
This was glorious and you are glorious and the world is glorious and everything's just glorious! I loved your writing.
kwiluvu chapter 18 . 7/27/2013
Oh thank Jebus.
kwiluvu chapter 17 . 7/27/2013
kwiluvu chapter 16 . 7/27/2013
I know its too late for predictions now because the story's finished, BUT I WILL BE REALLY REALLY SAID IF AIDEN AND JAKE END UP TOGETHER BECAUSE NO.
allancaldera chapter 20 . 7/18/2013
This story was fantastic,I am happy to have it read was amazing by far my favorite character I would totally date and Aiden are cute.
Fumiki chapter 20 . 7/15/2013
Words can't describe how much I love this story. I've re-read this for god knows how many times and I never got bored with it. I love how you portrayed your characters, especially Aiden and Zack. I admit, sometimes I feel annoyed at Aiden (Can you blame me? He's such a drama queen, and sometimes he's worse than Damien) xD but that made him more realistic. I love how you made this story revolve around a completely normal teenager, who's only problem was a nagging mother, smoking and crushing on someone he wasn't suppose to (instead of the cliche emo kid who cut himself and has abusive parents) yet you still manage to make this story wonderful and interesting. And Zack! Why Aiden ever feel the need to choose between Zack and Jake was beyond me. Zack was the most amazing guy, the bad ass guy we all wished for. He's lazy, a bit stupid (lol) too horny for his own good, impatient but you still managed to make him likable without making him sound unrealistic. Actually, it's amazing how you made us not wanting Aiden to ended up with Jake, but at the same time, we all feel bad for him when Jake found a new girl to crush on.

Also, no matter how cheesy the ending was, I love it and I don't think there's other better way to end this story other than give Aiden the final taste of his luck xD

To be honest, I feel really disappointed that you lost the inspiration to write these boys' sequel, I would love to read more about Aidan and Zack, and I feel like there is more to their story. But there's nothing I could do, is there? Anyway, thanks for writing and sharing this story! :)

ALSO, I know you change your penname, but you'd forever be TheTuxedoPenguin to me (sorry?) xD
Mandi chapter 2 . 9/18/2012
Loving the story so far! Other than the whole uber restrictive thing, Adrian's mom sounds just like mine. She always changes the layout of the living room about five times a year (seriously, I should start making a tally of the total number of times) and has a whole giant shelf filled with heels!
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