Reviews for Sense of Elation |
Preposterous chapter 11 . 8/1/2012 That's so cute! |
Preposterous chapter 1 . 8/1/2012 Hey, where's the link to your livejournal? Great story btw. |
omiobabbinocaro chapter 17 . 7/8/2012 Would love the full version. My LJ username is nc3600. Thanks! |
anonymous chapter 18 . 4/25/2012 You have a good taste in music, i'll give you that much. But seriously, Ashlyn just seems so stupid. She works at a sports place? She doesn't know how to use a cellphone? Or a computer? You know this is the twenty-first century right? And if she was in such need of a job, why would she quit the one that she was really nervous about getting because it was boring? We are in a recession. This protagonist seems very unrealistic to me. She could at least be slightly intellectual. |
R. Ficst chapter 1 . 3/25/2012 I haven't started reading yet, but I'm possibly interested in the complete version? ...the link to your livejournal isn't on your profile anymore |
rwrwerwefdwrewrewrewrew chapter 18 . 1/21/2012 Aww! This was soooo cute! I'm so glad Ashlyn finally is semi-happy! :) I can't WAIT for the next update! |
popo-chan-xo chapter 17 . 12/25/2011 Hi! I'd also like to read the full version: popo_chan_xo |
lrstar123 chapter 17 . 11/9/2011 hey, i'd love to read the full version on livejournal if possible! my username is lrstar123 |
Elaina McKenzie Sharpe chapter 18 . 7/8/2011 That was such a cute story! I love all of it, even the little side story! |
Elaina McKenzie Sharpe chapter 13 . 7/8/2011 Oh boy, this isn't going to end well... |
Elaina McKenzie Sharpe chapter 6 . 7/8/2011 This is so freaking great. How does she end up in these situations? BNothing ever goes right for her and it is amazing! |
Elaina McKenzie Sharpe chapter 5 . 7/8/2011 I don't think this chapter was as bad as you think. There were a few times when you said something in the third person insted of first, but that's not a big deal. I actually liked this chapter. It was entertaining. |
Elaina McKenzie Sharpe chapter 3 . 7/8/2011 LOL! I would DIE if that ever happened to me. Especially since she doesn't really even know him! LOL. Highly amusing. |
Elaina McKenzie Sharpe chapter 2 . 7/7/2011 Lol. I imagine that was just a little bit awkward. I'd probably laugh hysterically too if I was her friend. I'd probably make an idiot out of myself if I was Ash. Great chapter! |
Elaina McKenzie Sharpe chapter 1 . 6/23/2011 Lol. I liked the very last line. And so far it's really not that bad. I wouldn't call it cringe-worthy, unless you've gotten like, published author amazing since you wrote this...? Anyway, I thought it was funny! |