Reviews for Sense of Elation |
PerfectChaos859 chapter 6 . 2/26/2008 This was a great chapter I am excited for what is next going to happen with them! I can't wait for an update! |
LostinLov3 chapter 6 . 2/26/2008 why do you keep starting out with comments on how you dont like what you wrote? then why did you put it up? it had to have some worth? i really enjoy the story, its really entertaining how she keeps getting herself into such awkward situation. She just needs to stand up for herself and take what she wants. i mean, at this piont, she has nothing left to lose. and parker sounds hot! cant wait for more... |
sillygoose2008 chapter 4 . 2/26/2008 that matt guy is such a jerk but Parker is not. Good chapter really like the story. |
sillygoose2008 chapter 3 . 2/26/2008 I cann't stop laughing at this the stroy is to funny man i feel sorry for Ash poor girl but hopefully things will get better for her. Good Chapter. |
sillygoose2008 chapter 2 . 2/26/2008 This is a classic they live near each other there friends know each other god how can they not run in to one another it will be interesting to see what happens next. |
sillygoose2008 chapter 1 . 2/26/2008 OMG! He was in this birthday suit in her bed that is crazy and he really thought he lived there. I have to keep on reading. |
Singing for Absolution chapter 6 . 2/26/2008 just replied! yay! Space Dementia! I love that song! oh! Have you heard 'piano thing'? its really cool. as is Butterflies and Hurricanes. someone is playing that on the piano right now. pretty! Cheers! |
rocknrosebubbles chapter 6 . 2/26/2008 aww bless her :( i hate being robbed- i have 3 times! but, it is a good way to get her into his room lol. although, i still think they should have slept together :) lol |
KnightsOfCydonia chapter 6 . 2/26/2008 Ugh, that would be embarrassing! I think waking up in the morning is going to be worse for her... it's seems like it would be just her kind of luck! Would love to read more soon. |
Dark Hime chapter 5 . 2/23/2008 Another funny thing i have a friend named Ashlyn and she sadly enough is alot like this character, which is actually hilarious. I really am infatuated with story. It's great. Update soon! |
Singing for Absolution chapter 5 . 2/16/2008 m...more Muse...why, oh why did you have to name the nasty ex Matt? Matt Bellamy is NOT amused! ...but hes still sexy...m...matt bellamy...(the way i love him is strictly platonic, i swear!) can't wait for an update! maybe an Eternally Missed or a Space Dementia? oh! Blackout! ...thats what im listening to now. |
Singing for Absolution chapter 1 . 2/16/2008 ok, so i only clicked this story because i was listening to muse at the moment, and was pleasently suprised to find a muse fan! yay! awesome story, by the way. |
rocknrosebubbles chapter 5 . 2/16/2008 haha that was funny :) i just wanna burst out saying gutted! but i cant because the rest of the house is asleep lol. but anyway love the story, please update soon |
Haav chapter 5 . 2/16/2008 Ohh, that was unexpected! A good unexpected! Is this game going to continue into the next few chapters? Parker seems like a little snake, I have a feeling he would win if Ashlyn goes any further with this! It's good, can't wait for more! |
KnightsOfCydonia chapter 5 . 2/16/2008 HA, love the ending! Good thing Parker seems to be loosening up, I like it! |