Reviews for The City of the Last Angels
Rockstar with a Vendetta chapter 2 . 1/12/2009
Wow - this is amazing. It's very powerful and intense, with the post-Apocalypse-ish theme. It's well-written, with great grammar and description.

I'm very intrigued by the Mark vs Marcus concept. Well, it's not really versus, but I do like the difference between (mostly) ordinary Mark and empowered Marcus.

I want to know how this will progress...I can't wait to see what the central conflict will be. Very good so far.
KnittingKneedle chapter 1 . 1/27/2008
Hi, I'm from the review marathon (link on my profile)

First off, good opening paragraph, It made me ask questions and wants to read further. Urrm nitpicky, but I’m pretty sure a clock doesn’t ‘strike’ 1:57, it strikes hours, or at least that’s what I’m led to believe.

I like the character development about Marcus liking smiles and faces in the club. The pacing of this is really very good, and from the offset, there is a slightly ominous edge to the descriptions. I like the grittiness of the way you describe the bar.

The action sequences were good, though I would have liked a little more variation in the length and start of sentences… I love that you made Marcus run out of bullets! In action films, the hero never seems to run out of bullets!

The paragraph about blood was chilling, though I’m still not entirely sure what a Nano is.

And the switch to Mark was interesting, a sort of double persona thing going on- though I don’t know if that couldn’t be done in a separate chapter, as it is, it’s very long especially with Mark and Marcus.

Keep writing!
Lavender Quill chapter 1 . 1/17/2008
Needless to say, your story is beyond good. However, I am not to big into bloody assassins or raiders. Sorry.

You are really good at details. Your story is made more interesting by the vast amount of little things you add. Good work.

You have to write another chapter. Please. For the sake of my sanity, write another chapter. I hate reading good stories that stop and never go on.

Your faithful reader,
