Reviews for Brad
AppleCrumble chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
I was looking through youtube and I saw your video of this. It was AMAZING! (I guess you made it, if not, you should have a look)

As a poem its a great piece, I like how its quite sinister as to why the woman suddenly stopped calling but I feel really sorry for the person because of how alone they are.

Long review, oops, great piece though :-D
a silenced revolution chapter 1 . 5/25/2008
I like how it's compelling in its simplicity. Most people can probably relate to this in some way; the desperation to be paid any attention for any reason.

I'd suggest a period at the end of line four. It looks odd without it.

It is curious that the woman didn't stop calling after she got the wrong number the first time, but that is beside the point I suppose.

-Adrian, from the review marathon (link in my profile).
kit feral chapter 1 . 12/8/2007
something about this is just... brilliant.

reminds me of joey comeau.