Reviews for The Opposition Play
Usuicross chapter 40 . 3/10/2012
This story was...different. And interesting.

I managed to adore Seyfert (along with his name), but I wish there was more to Relic than that. :/

Thanks for writing this amazing piece! :D

Queen Midnight chapter 40 . 8/21/2011
OH MY CHRISTIAN! When I read this story in the beginning I was don't know...but I kept reading and I'm SO glad I did! Throughout the story it made me laugh, cry, and just plain smile. Everything was planned amazingly! And I loved how you had a love triangle going on and then how you put Cindy back into the story the way you did. The ending though had to be my favorite. What Esper said just ended it perfectly. AWESOME job! Keep on writing!
purplebear09 chapter 39 . 6/27/2011
You're bad!


You made me cry with that one huh? Perfect! I worship you now! Hahaha!
purplebear09 chapter 34 . 6/27/2011
OH MY. The most romantic chapter ever. If not for the ending.
purplebear09 chapter 28 . 6/26/2011
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. He forgave her just like that? If I were Seyfert, I'd torture her a little more, she deserved it. Hooking up with Relic just bec. some girl kissed Seyfert? What the hell is that? From the very beginning, Seyfert did no wrong to Esper. This is infuriating!
purplebear09 chapter 7 . 6/25/2011
Srsly, Seyfer don't owe anything to Esper. She's just so obsessed with the man, that's all. What, is it a sin to be so charismatic now? Yes, he was an insensitive, heartless jerk, but he didn't wish for esper to fall for him. That bitch.
not sure chapter 15 . 8/19/2010
Well, your story started off REALLY good in the beginning and I really liked it a lot. Now, thought, idk, it's beginning to get a Before, your language and character development seemed much more sofisticated. Your gramar is slowly chinking down, what with the 2nd pov and all. Let's see where this goes...
witeaya chapter 5 . 6/20/2010
i just read till chapter 4 so far. what i wanna say is i dont understand why esper cant control her emotion better?

i know she is hurt and seyfert is one jerk but it's not that like he is her boyfriend.

she has the right to be mad at him for standing her up but the way she was acting all emotional shit made the situation looks like he cheated on her or something.

she should handle the situation better.

just my opinion
Aradia Cloud chapter 17 . 6/15/2010
She should be with Relic. He's such a sweetie. Unlike what's-his-face, Seyfert. Ugh...
Aradia Cloud chapter 16 . 6/15/2010
Esper is such an idiot. She has a perfectly good guy like Relic there and she's playing stupid for Seyfert. Lol. The frigging name SEYFERT alone should turn her off.
Aradia Cloud chapter 6 . 6/14/2010
Hehe... Bastard. Revenge is the sweetest thing.
Aradia Cloud chapter 5 . 6/14/2010
I was supposed to say this from the second chappy, but I forgot. What the hell kind of name is "Seyfert"? lol. No offense to you and all the Seyferts out there, but it's a funny name to chew on.

And by the way, Seyfert is a douche.
christinaxxyo chapter 1 . 3/2/2010
I like Esper! She seems like a really awesome main character and I can't wait to find out more :)
goodbyes chapter 39 . 1/30/2010
this is my favorite chapter !


im reading it again and again
Damned to heaven chapter 40 . 10/20/2009
Loved it.
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