Reviews for Crazy rich students and a normal girl
Stabheart chapter 2 . 11/7/2011
This isn't well formatted, sadly, and there's lots of errors you need to fix. Your naming isn't brilliant, Butterfly and Beetle academy aren't such good names; they don't sound believable.

It's nice that Silencia isn't stunning as it's a nice change from super beautiful protagonists. She doesn't have everything going for her so she's a more realostoc character.
sayWAAAAT EcliPse3 chapter 2 . 5/13/2010
Perfectly Mythical chapter 36 . 7/3/2009
Love it.

Jason is still so cute, I LOVE JASON.

Aaron is wonderful too.

But Teresias is a cutie too.

Wonderful story.


Perfectly Mythical chapter 21 . 7/3/2009
Jason is just too cute, i was smiling with tears in my eyes.


anaa-pixie chapter 36 . 4/1/2009
hee hee loved it write more (even 4 a different story) soon!
Cynthian chapter 1 . 2/18/2009
too fast. way too fast.

and the beginning was too typical;

explaining the appearance in too much detail-

you should make it so that it comes in smoothly.

also, "She looked outside her window and saw the rain falling from the sky, she closed her eyes and listened to the drop ticking on her window, a lonely tear fell on her shirt and she decided to go to bed."

this is your FIRST sentence, no?

you should use periods more, hun.

i'm not trying to sound superior

but sorry; it's my pet peeve.

"she looked outside her window and saw the rain falling from the sky. Closing her eyes, she listened to the drops ticking on her window, while a lonely tear fell down her shirt."

before you add the "decided to go to bed" part, you have to tell what happened before. was she sitting?

"Composing herself, she ..."

(: i know you're not perfect

but still. just pointers. don't hate.

lmao, trying to help you. (:
Mistress.Lady.Lin chapter 35 . 2/17/2009
I don't understand why you wanted me to review your story, it has plenty of reviews, but I did enjoy the plot. It was sweet and captivating at moments! I believe you did a very good job and I like the fact it is mostly dialogue. I babble. I'll read your other stories too! I think you have a lot of talent.

-Lin :)
moonwalkerAspen chapter 36 . 2/6/2009
It was a really good story plot. A little lacking in detail. But very good nonetheless. I enjoyed it. It was cute and cuddly. For lack of a better term. :) I enjoyed it.
Levana Chaos chapter 36 . 1/23/2009
ah man! well now you can write about nessa and mel taking over the world and then Anthony finding his love and what not! or write it from his point of view kind of thing. well miss ya and talk at you latterz :)
Levana Chaos chapter 35 . 1/23/2009
ah that was so cute! yeah i could see those two taking over the world. will that be the next book? from high to the open world? that wuld a lot of fun :) love ya
Levana Chaos chapter 34 . 1/23/2009
that was so cute! i like the fact that he said that to her. and i hope that the older brother like Mel. and sorry i havent kept up on it, i havent really had net for a while and right now now i have been sick and puting what enguy that i have had in to chapter 8 and a new story, that i think that you might like as well. well talk to you latter i miss talking to you!
iLOVE-iHURT chapter 36 . 12/31/2008
i don't really like this story but it's ok. i hate the part where the boys and girls say they love each other alrdeay when they only met one day ago or a week. it really bothers me. _ i duno. my mind kinda says like you're fooling around with love. it kinda takes months to fall inlove while in your story it takes only one day. LOL. i know im sounding .. superior but i'm just saying what i feel. it;s legal right? democracy. lol, so anyways, that's just my problem with that .. wait no. another thing. i kinda hate it when you spell incorrectly . but everybody makes mistakes but yours are too much actually. so yea, that's just my problem the others are a-ok.! so anyways. here, my review. :D
Naomi Chick chapter 36 . 12/26/2008
That was the end. Well congrat on finishing your first story.
LilEmz from Roliana chapter 1 . 12/21/2008
Wow, I loved reading it! Just add a variety of vocabulary and it will be even better!

Naomi Chick chapter 34 . 12/19/2008
That certainly was a surprise. I can't wait for more.
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