Reviews for The Importance of Getting Revenge
Bubbles1357 chapter 35 . 12/13/2009
Ugh. It makes me so mad when I find that another story on here has been plagiarized. It's ridiculous.

I think that you pretty much summed up how stupid it is.

Based from just reading the first chapter of your story, I am quite impressed with it and would LOVE to read the book when you publish it. :)
darlingshay chapter 3 . 12/9/2009
where can i get a copy of the book from if i wanted one
darlingshay chapter 35 . 12/9/2009
sorry to both you but will you be continuing this story on this site. but for other options you can use copying not allowed. i really wanted to read it to the end. i just discovered it today
VioletHaven chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
really good story
SummerChk06 chapter 35 . 12/3/2009
have you published this book yet?
Dwindling Fire chapter 1 . 11/23/2009
yayy. im kimpsbl_admirer on livejournal. methinks i can put this on my fav list now :D
Dwindling Fire chapter 2 . 11/22/2009
*sighs* i was looking forward to reading this the whole day and now i see this! *sighs again* well, it was an awesome first chapter :D is it published yet? chapter 35 . 11/10/2009
Couldn't be bothered registering fp, but leaving an email should suffice, no?

I only just stumbled upon this story via SKOW, and must say that I'm very sad to see it gone. I haven't even read a single chapter of your story, but judging from the number of your reviews, it was well loved by many.

I hope you'll continue to write with fervor, because from personal experience, I know how thoroughly painful and offending it is to have one's work plagiarized.

However, I heavily advise against making a story shorter for the sake of lowering the cost. I can only speak for myself, but I'd like to believe that many of your other readers would pay good money for a good book, especially if there is both quality and quantity (I'm greedy).

EDIT: just discovered Authonomy. *proceeds to throw sleep out the window*
RB chapter 35 . 11/9/2009
Sorry to hear about the plagiarism thing. I read the first chapter and loved this story already. I was SO looking forward to reading the rest of it. :(
HPRK08 chapter 1 . 11/4/2009
Haha, I love it. But seriously, plagiarizers SUCK.
totalfailure chapter 15 . 10/23/2009
Hello! Oh my god, I'm dying here.

I just read the first 15 chapters on Authonomy and read your

note about the people stealing it at all.

I hate whoever plagiarized this story. :[

I want to read the rest of the chapters, like now.

gr :[
MagicalMemories chapter 2 . 10/18/2009
The people who think it's okay to steal someone else's creation and imaginative work suck!

I love your story, I read it (Well, the twenty-four chapters that are there of it) in one day on Authonomy and believe it when I say 'Wow! One of the best stories I've read so far. And all because it's original, has good grammar, awesome description and more!

If you do get it self-published will you please send me the details so I can get it?

Thank you so much!

Once again, your awesome story rocks!

yellowsock chapter 25 . 10/11/2009
HELO! this is an interesting story and i'd like to finish reading it. but unfortunately you've stopped posting it on the other site. D:

so unless your gonna publish it internationally, i wont be able to finish. so please put it all up on the other site! DD
andthenistartedreading chapter 2 . 10/9/2009
Gah sucks to them all. Losers. I've read this story a million times before, and I loved it.

Are you seriously thinking of publishing it? That would be awesome! Can you please send details? Thanks, it'd mean a lot. ]

nia-amilia chapter 3 . 10/8/2009
please let me know when its published!i only got to read the first chapter but it sounds good so far!
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