Reviews for Letters to You
MackayFire chapter 9 . 3/17/2008
You don't disappoint! This chapter was great as usual, poor Jordan getting rejected for a date but I can understand her reasoning. If he was just straight up with her she'd probably be fine but that doesn't make it half as fun :P
kimheami chapter 9 . 3/17/2008
awesome chapter... i was super excited to see that you had updated so soon! can't wait to see how their relationship changes. update soon!
philosophyonacid chapter 9 . 3/17/2008
beautiful. hahaha; cross is such a cutie! i want that boy in my pants, now. I like the slow build of attraction betweent the two of them, it's very realistic. I'm impressed with your anologies and comparisons; the Mona Lisa one was especially cute. please update soon!
Secret Heart01 chapter 9 . 3/17/2008
What's "programming in R"?

Peyton is so silly ... ! But can't wait for the next chapter :)
gulistala chapter 9 . 3/17/2008
Oh wow! Jordan is serious! But man Peyton is one idiot for running away. What insecurities, why is she running away from him?

Dammit! I'm so excited, I want to know what happens next! Tehe. D

She's still got his clothes? Uh-oh, wrong implications will be flying about and I wonder how she'll get home. Hm.

I don't get it. What else would a kiss be for? An accident? A playful thing? If it were playful, it would've had an obvious beginning before the kiss. But a sudden kiss, definitely not because he's using her.

Keep up the good work, hun.

your faithful reader and reviewer,

LondonLi chapter 9 . 3/17/2008
I definitely enjoyed this, and I'm not surprised that Peyton left in such a hurry. When Jordan keeps sending her such mixed signals, he doesn't really seem worth the risk. I'd have run too! I can't wait for the next chapter! Thanks for the quick and long update this time.
Lily Llynn chapter 8 . 3/17/2008
Ooh development. (: Nothing else to say except I can't wait for more, hehe. (:
norma chapter 8 . 3/16/2008
it was a great chapter as usual. and short... as usual. but stil it wouldnt bother me as much if youw ould update more often!

sigh. why doesn't she call someone else to pick herup? no grlfriends?
philosophyonacid chapter 8 . 3/16/2008
aw, she likes him but she doesn't want to admit it
gulistala chapter 8 . 3/16/2008
Ello ello. I've got a question that's flashing like a neon sign in mind right now- does Cross smell dreamy and yummily masculine? If so, damn, Peyton better take that opportunity of getting high on his smell properly, or I'll kick her out and do it for her gladly. _

Keep up the good work!

your faithful reader and reviwer,

Klianie Janiko chapter 8 . 3/16/2008
If cooties are contagious, then would Peyton get cooties after she walk out of that bed? This chapter is so short! I know how it feels like to be tired with all the work you have to do, but do you know what it feels like when you're imagining what possibly could happen in the next chapter with so many possibilities while you're waiting for it? With something so sweet and thoughtful, you really got my imagination going! Please update soon!
DuchessYappingDog chapter 8 . 3/16/2008
I like this chapter. The project and sleeping over part reminded me of... Getting Malcolm when Del goes over to Brent's place to do their project and she slept over. It also reminds me of another story that had the main characters do a project together. Hahha. Projects. It's not a bad thing. I like Getting Malcolm beaucoup. Can't wait for more to develop between Peyton and Jordan! :D
She Had Somewhere To Go chapter 8 . 3/15/2008

Update soon :)
kate chapter 8 . 3/15/2008
Nice story. keep up the good work and update as soon as possible
MZ PEACHESZZ chapter 8 . 3/15/2008
Your chapters are just too short!

Update soon please! :)
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