Reviews for Letters to You
bubi chapter 12 . 4/17/2008
you meanie :
ironazalea chapter 12 . 4/17/2008
Short, simple, sweet and ingenious! {I do assume that's the end?}

Something wants more, but that a very cute end.
philosophyonacid chapter 12 . 4/17/2008
OMG! it's so short, but so cute. I can feel butterflies! :P
Not Dead Fred chapter 12 . 4/17/2008
you moo cow! that was so short!
Leaving Fictionpress chapter 12 . 4/17/2008
Nice chapter - short and sweet. I think it works as a conclusion, actually...there are still some loose ends, but it's just so neat this way that I think readers could fill in the holes by themselves.
gulistala chapter 12 . 4/17/2008
Okay, this isn't over because it doesn't say complete at the top, right? So either epilogue is next up or some more chappies.

If you had already answered this question, sorry! I'm becoming forgetful.

LondonLi chapter 12 . 4/17/2008
Thanks for the update, short though it was! Now what happens? :)
Secret Heart01 chapter 12 . 4/17/2008
So short!

I expect more juicy details, lady!

:P Write more soon ~
dreambrother63 chapter 11 . 4/13/2008
i loved this! plesase can we have more! and now im off to check the rest of your stories ]
anarachillwind chapter 1 . 4/13/2008
wonderful first chapter. gonna
aurora borealis chapter 11 . 4/10/2008
Ah! Cliff hanger!

Great story. I love your writing. I'm going to sleep now (yes, I'm in a different time zone than you).

Can't wait to read more!
emilybh chapter 11 . 4/9/2008
OAWH! I love this! update soon!
Le Meg chapter 11 . 4/7/2008
I like these two. They're fun characters. Actually, I like your characters in general because they're all so normal and completely believable. And Jordan is a cutie. Gotta love how hard he works for this. ;]
Miz Em chapter 11 . 4/7/2008
KYA! That's seemed so romantic but I don't really get what's happening.. did I miss something? Peyton seems to have made a huge jump from where she was to the end of this chapter. S:
Weirderest chapter 11 . 4/6/2008
Love it, Cross is a crazy sexy name, and Cross is crazy sexy. Update soon! :)
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