Reviews for The New Year
Guest chapter 17 . 2/23/2011
rainbabie chapter 17 . 2/22/2011
Yay! I'm so glad this story is not a lost cause! Can't wait to see where this story goes!
Luke chapter 17 . 2/21/2011
Update, before I start to cry (just kidding.) Seriously, I've been waiting for SO LONG!

Guest chapter 17 . 2/20/2011
Hoor-al-Ayn chapter 17 . 2/16/2011
Man, this is great! But PLEASE UPDATE! And have her scorn Jared now... : )
mylittlePRINCESS chapter 17 . 2/14/2011
i love this story so much thank you for update
Inea chapter 17 . 2/14/2011
Woah. Heart attack. Right there. It excites me so much that you're back and posting semi-regularly again (last two chapters). You are absolutely amazing. Definitely love how she got sick he was bossy, then he gets sick and she's the bossy one (slightly less of a tyrant than he was though). And that last shocker sentence. Jared the pen-is-face is back. What's gonna happen now?
cBNaya chapter 17 . 2/1/2011
I just read this entire story in one sitting - it's so good! I don't know how often you update, but update soon! I'm dying to know when and how they finally get together :)
jessicarp chapter 17 . 1/30/2011

I really like this history I hope youll keep writing I cant wait to the next chapter.
jayniee chapter 17 . 1/30/2011
Your writing has improved tremendously! Good work. I love your story, and Andy is such a cutie! Please update soon!
HoPELeSS.RoMaNTiiC chapter 17 . 1/29/2011
Oh man I love this story, but I'm glad it ended there becUse I have an assignment due tomorrow and I have been hooked on this story for much too long lol. Update soon please
gulistala chapter 17 . 1/28/2011
Uh oh...this isn't going to go down too well, eh?

And FINALLY the beast gets what was coming to him! D
Zali Jun chapter 17 . 1/25/2011
OHNOES! Cliffhanger~

But wow, awesome awesome twist on the Cinderella story. I can't wait for the moment when everything is revealed. You're doing a marvelous job.

And good luck in your studies at law school!
Its.Not.Me.Its.You chapter 17 . 1/24/2011
I love it!

It's amazing!

I've missed this story so much!

I've been not so patiently waiting from the beginning.

So are you a lawyer now?
RunFree chapter 17 . 1/23/2011
Oh please update soon! Please pretty please with a cherry and whip cream and sprinkles on top...

Oh and when will Watkins find out about who she is? Who the Cinderella is?
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