Reviews for Now or Never
into the black chapter 30 . 9/27/2009
I have to admit that I found Karia to be pretty annoying in the beginning but I grew to love her. Jason is my favorite character for sure though.

This is one of the best stories I've read on FP. Seriously. I love how the character's intertwine and you're not just focusing on one conflict, one character. It reminds me of the movies Elephant and 2:37, both which use the same method of story telling as you do. This story needs more recognition!
7964875976 chapter 1 . 12/19/2008
"She smiled at me and I returned it with a sneer. A look of shock washed over her face and she looked back to the round."

Should be ground. Favorite story, author and story alert.
big.break.and.laryngitis chapter 27 . 7/24/2008
aw. i like it. jason's always been my favorite, whatever i may or may not have said otherwise. they're so cute.

so sad it's over, but it was a lovely ending.

rock on!
big.break.and.laryngitis chapter 23 . 4/7/2008
aw. i bet he's cute. i hope she asks him out and all. i bet he'd say yes.

or maybe not. but if it was a trashy romance novel, he SO would. hee. so cute.

post more soon!
big.break.and.laryngitis chapter 22 . 3/27/2008
aw, he's cute!

yeah... guys like that, all hopeless and stuff, it's precious. i loveit!

post more soon! (you know what i just noticed? the initials of "post more soon" are pms... just pointing that out... i'm a little sugar-high, so i think it's funny... hm... maybe it actually is...)
big.break.and.laryngitis chapter 21 . 3/19/2008
aw... poor brendan and charlie... well, i hope everything works out for them, and his mom's okay with it and such.

post more soon? :D
big.break.and.laryngitis chapter 20 . 3/11/2008
aw. poor brendan.


but yeah. now or never is right.

post more asap!
Ess chapter 4 . 3/10/2008
Hi! First of all, it's a really good story so far. You write well.

And secondly, I just found a small typo if you want to fix it. You said "If her told her how I felt, she and I could be in a relationship, man." Wouldn't it be "If I...?" Just an observation. D.

Keep writing, can't wait to read more. ).

- Ess.
big.break.and.laryngitis chapter 19 . 3/9/2008
oh, jeez. pregnancy, that's... well, obviously she has to tell him... well, no, she doesn't, but she really should...

i like him, though.
Black and White Rainbows chapter 19 . 3/9/2008
Wait I'm kinda starting to get confused. Are you going to be continuing the stories? Or does it end at now or never?

Other than my confused brain...

I really like these stories! Update soon!
big.break.and.laryngitis chapter 18 . 2/26/2008
aw, jeez.

i really hope he chickened out on that one :

abby seems cool, though. maybe she wouldn't care. i probably wouldn't, unless there was like, a ton of people there. and there isn't. so, y'know...

but yeah.

good chapter, post more soon!
big.break.and.laryngitis chapter 17 . 2/23/2008
that's sad.

i hope she apologized.

very sweet, though, in a way.

post more soon!
littleoneofdoom chapter 17 . 2/22/2008

again, awesome.
WriterGurl123 chapter 16 . 2/11/2008
I like that it's in a different person's perspective each time.

Post More Soon
big.break.and.laryngitis chapter 15 . 2/10/2008
i definitely liked this chapter.

it's cool, these are based on true stories. i'm not sure if i mentioned it, but nothing in my life is cool enough to write a story of.

anyways, this was good. please update as soon as you can!
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