Reviews for White Stag
dreamerdoll chapter 16 . 3/1/2008
Oh, wow, totally in love with this story! I' SO sad that it's about to end...Oren and Joshua are so adorably sweet together, and I must say I'd never have been able to do what Oren go after someone who has just seemingly jilted you who you acknowedge as your better must have been very difficult...

Anyway, can't wait to read more!


PS: I love your name. Awesome.
Renae K chapter 16 . 3/1/2008
I cannot believe how sad I am to learn that this story is coming to a close. Well, at least Joshua's memories are back (Oren licking his shirt was more than just a tad giggle-inducing!).

Anyway, I shall eagerly await more wonderful stories upon your return. :D
Rubadub chapter 16 . 3/1/2008
Mwahahahahahaha! Finally Joshua is free to be sexy with Oren again OwO!

I lawled at the part where Joshua 'ate her rainbow.'

I really must say that I'm still in love with the magic system in this. Colors! It's just so creative :]!

I'm sad it's going to have to end soon though :[

But maybe now I'll finally know why it was so important that Joshua not kiss his mother 'cause I don't like feeling so dense about it xD

Lovely writing as always,

JtheChosen1 chapter 16 . 3/1/2008
the duchess is crazy but why did she do it? money, power, fame? the list is endless!
Vera Dicere chapter 15 . 2/29/2008
yay chapter 15! i reread it, as requested and only found one little typo to point out! :)

here: he said. Stopping so quickly

just replace your period with a comma, and you're set! i know you had mentioned thinking there might be some rough patches still [although i didn't notice anything glaring] so if there's anything in particular that you'd like me to go over again, just say.

can't wait to see the last few chapters up! i'll read through the whole thing again when you're done and leave a proper review. ;)
Ambriel chapter 15 . 2/28/2008
Thank you for posting yet another lovely chapter!

However will we survive for 3 long months! D:
x-princessa-temnoti-x chapter 15 . 2/27/2008
Eww, that ugly hat.
jess chapter 15 . 2/27/2008
Well duh! lol
Renae K chapter 15 . 2/27/2008
Wonderful stuff! That kiss at the end was priceless. :D

If you don't get around to posting anymore before you go, have fun and come back as soon as you can-we'll miss you and this fic!
SiLlhe chapter 15 . 2/27/2008
Gaah, I can't wait till the next chapter! But I'll wait if I must. -nodnod- Glad to see that Oren's finally figured it out, though. It took him long enough. xD

We'll miss you in March and the next few months when you're gone!
JtheChosen1 chapter 15 . 2/27/2008

glad to Oren FINALLY figured it out! geez!

lol, gr8 stuff!
SiLlhe chapter 14 . 2/26/2008
Ebil hat! x3 I think you've made it quite obvious who the mage is by now, and where they're hiding their color...

...unless of course you're planning to trick us into some elaborate plan, and you expected us to assume these things. o.0 -shrug- Whether or not you HAVE tricked us, oh well. I just can't wait for the next update! D
JtheChosen1 chapter 14 . 2/25/2008
LOL, this is an gr8 story! jeez ur such a good writer with everyone's individual personalities! i really like this, i cannot stress that enough!

that Duchess is EVIL! her hat is Hell itself! burn the witch!
Kariz chapter 14 . 2/25/2008


Would someone please just grab her hat or something!

_ can't wait for next chapter.. it's so exciting! XP
Wings of Fenrir chapter 14 . 2/24/2008
Purple Green Blue and Red. I know I just somehow would end up with these...

I would rather have a common born who stays a common born and has a mage fall in love with him.
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