Reviews for White Stag
Soraya Zeeva chapter 7 . 8/27/2010
That was a hard one though, because it's probably a natural reaction for him to kiss his mother in greeting. He regretted it the instant he did it.
bookworm666 chapter 18 . 8/19/2010
i really enjoyed this story, and i especially liked the fact that the king and queen didnt flip out because joshua was in love w/ a man.
Ben Tramsami chapter 18 . 8/3/2010
Ah... A happy ending... I certainly love happy endings, especially fluffy ones.

Thanks for the awesome story! I wish you luck on your writing journey, and I hope you stay an amazing author! :)
Ben Tramsami chapter 14 . 8/3/2010
OMG! I bet her ball is under her hat! AH! THE SUSPENSE!

Okay, I'm going to go keep reading now...
Alexilaihorox chapter 18 . 7/29/2010
Wow, I loved this story, Oren sounds pretty awesome(I love his hair XD if I'm imagining it correctly haha ') was so good I'm gonna send the link to my friend XD I'm sure she'll love it too _

Anyway...update and all that fun stuff :D (kidding lol but I liked your line in your AN haha)

I think I'm gonna go check out your other stuff now XD
Colocho chapter 18 . 7/24/2010
Great story :D

Oren and Joshua are so cute, and Allen too ;)

I really liked the plot, i love color magic, its really interesting and very creative, magic wands are so last century XD

Great job, love reading you are an awesome writer, i dont know where do yo get all your ideas but keep doing it
WabberJocky chapter 12 . 6/10/2010
if the colors mean the things you say, then red, yello and blue should make somehting disappear. Also, in the primary color spectrum, those three make whit elight, or clear. (invisibility)

also, love the story, I'm re-reading it.
twiinklestar chapter 18 . 6/3/2010
That was very sweet. I kind of wish that you had described the magic in more detail in the beginning of the story because I was quite confused for the first half of the story. And I also think that you could have included a bit more of their feelings. Especially with the prince coming to terms with falling in love with a mage - a male mage. But the characters were very charming and sweet and the story line was well thought out. I really liked the princes and Oren. Good work!

~twiinklestar (on )
Grim Goodbye chapter 9 . 4/30/2010
I am absolutely adoring this so far! Just thought I'd let you know. ;D
Raggedtoothguppie chapter 18 . 4/10/2010
Ok well I'm two years behind, but I only just stumbled across this a few hours ago. I hope you're happy now that you've kept me hooked to the computer for a couple hours instead of studying for my French test...hopefully you haven't written a crapload of stories because my addictive nature is leading me towards your profile -and more stories- next.

Lovely story, if a bit predictable. Warmed the cockles of my heart on this chilly day :) lol

I love the whole idea of Colours. Plus I love gentle mage stories. And slash.

Ok, enough of me rambling aimlessly...
Beautiful Feather chapter 18 . 3/19/2010
Wha! There was no extremely awesome one liners such as helps me get up in the morning, but I liked all the repeating with the liking :P Did you make up this whole magic system? 'Cause if so, you are my hero!

Beautiful Feather chapter 1 . 3/19/2010
is showing my love since i think you are a awsome writer.

Oribel chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
I finally came back signed in, and plan to add this to my favorites! I'd just feel bad if I just fav'ed, and didn't let you know that I'd already reviewed for it. So~ thatonechick is me. :3

broflove chapter 18 . 2/28/2010
That's very beautiful.

A very amazing and capturing piece.

Thank you for the lovely read.
thatonechick chapter 18 . 2/4/2010
It's not exactly six years, but I think you'll accept it even if its just two. :3

now..I'm not really good at this, but you were so nice at the end of each chapter. I would feel terrible if i didn't review at least the ending.

I think the part I didn't like most was the fact that they couldn't figure out it was the duchess. I mean, giant hat? come on boys, use your brains. XD

but the funny thing is, that's my FAVORITE part of the story too. :P dunno why...I think I enjoyed how you let them slowly grasp it, and such. twas cute. :P

It was a beautiful story, and i thank you for writing it. :D

good whatever time it might be where you are~

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