Reviews for It's Just Mia
SimplySweetnSour chapter 6 . 5/24/2008
omg, gas prices for disel gas, 5 bucks. this is ridiculous :[
SKPD chapter 21 . 5/23/2008
I think this is such a funny story

it makes me forget all my embarrassing moments haha ( i have ave a lot of them)oh and hurry and post more they're i cant wait to read the next chapters D
crazeedaizee411 chapter 21 . 5/23/2008

Just go out with him Mia! He's gorgeous and sweet!
N.M.E chapter 21 . 5/23/2008
Aw...Vince is so cute when he's jealous! But the last part was amusing! I mean, when Vince sayshe wants to be that guy it sounds as if he wants to be like Rob, who is gay. lmao! Ya well, I get what he means. Update ASAP!
FreedomofPress chapter 21 . 5/22/2008
Yay... update soon!
boredbottom chapter 21 . 5/22/2008
oh. my. god.! ayyayayayaa!
e.brooks chapter 21 . 5/22/2008


How cute!

... Vince needs to get a grip. Just slightly.


Helizabeth chapter 21 . 5/22/2008
aw! that's so cute! i love it! Vince should be that guy because he just has a cooler name.
Kbelle1 chapter 21 . 5/22/2008
Stephanie Church chapter 21 . 5/22/2008
Yay for no writers block! So...does that mean that you'll be updating faster?...yes? You know you wanna say it! Come on, repeat after me: 'YES! In fact i'll be updating later today!' No pressure or anything though...


Entice chapter 21 . 5/22/2008
oh no way, gurlfriend! you did NOT just end it there. nope. you couldn't have. it must be a hullucination... a nightmare..a...

WHY WHY WHY! no! what is she going to say. i must know!

my life depends on it... okay, that one was a slight exageration...
Kohlomere chapter 21 . 5/22/2008
Guys are strange. I've said it a million times before (look who else can exaggerate!) and I'll say it again and again. Anyway...I'm so happy you brought IJM back.


Hypa To Hell And Back chapter 21 . 5/22/2008
heehee i like it please wrote more i will love yoy for it
ValuedOpinion chapter 17 . 5/20/2008
HEY! WHERE ARE YA? don't leave me hangin. :P
Stephanie Church chapter 20 . 5/20/2008
OMG! I got annoyed that you werent updating ur other story, so I came on here and read this one!

#1- OMG! They finally kissed! They have to do that more often! YAY!

#2- Yay! Rob is gay! That means that he and vince wont have to fight over her anymore!

#3- I have reviewed, PMd you, alerted you, and even favorited you! Where has your Beta been that you haven't updated in a whole month? MUST FIND BETA!

Update! That goes for all of your stories!

~Bella Ride~
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