Reviews for Unexpected
Guest chapter 21 . 12/31/2015
I loved this. It was written like it would happen in reality.
Your Girl chapter 1 . 9/28/2013
I just can't read this, I'm sorry. The ideas might be good, but the writing is poor. It needs a beta badly, and I actually am picky about the stories I read. Again, sorry.
Abbie Brown chapter 21 . 7/19/2012
Thanks for making me cry ever single chapter. ;)
crystalhate chapter 21 . 2/3/2012
Read this while listening the Avril Lavigne's "Wish You Were Here". It was just a coincidence but the song just fits so perfectly with the story. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Makes you want to believe that love really conquers all. :)
What.Tha.What chapter 21 . 10/25/2011
enchantedx chapter 1 . 3/21/2011
I love this story, second time reading it
Nadel chapter 10 . 12/4/2010
Nadel chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
kodkvnnrjgn chapter 5 . 6/2/2010
I just stumbled upon this story, but I really like it so far! Marissa seems like a very honest character and it's great that she has Connor's full support. Marissa's bffs are pretty funny too. My only other comment is that the dialogue is a little short, like when she tells her parents about her situation. Great job! I will move on to read the rest, now. :)
bluewingedfox chapter 21 . 11/21/2009
I absolutely loved this story. I do wish that it could have been a little longer, or detailed, to draw out the ups and downs of this story. I enjoyed the ups and downs, for the fact that I couldn't stop reading really means something. I'm glad I clicked the link to this story.
three chapter 21 . 10/15/2009
Loved it!
Camille chapter 21 . 9/24/2009
aw this story iz so sweet :) it'd be amazing if love alwayz ended like this.
Christina Marrufo chapter 21 . 9/13/2009
This was, by far, one of the most amazing, compelling stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

There are many people in this world. But only two kinds. The ones that cannot entertain, and those that can. You, my dear, are the latter.

I do not cry easily over anything, but I felt tears at the end of the epilogue.

Congrats. You just wrote an awesome novella.

Christina Marrufo )
SinisterSweet chapter 21 . 6/26/2009


LIKE I STATED IN THE OTHER COMMENT I LEFT TONIGHT I SERIOUSLY MEANT IT WHEN I SAID I COULDNT STOP READING IT! I just finished it and I loved every bit of it! That story was by far the best one I've ever read. I cried like a baby and I usually don't cry in stories, but this one got emotion out of me and your story just really blew me away. The story made me realize even more how lucky I am to have my fiancee. You are an amazing writer, Keep up the awesome work :)
SinisterSweet chapter 3 . 6/26/2009
Wow... I just got on and I was looking through stories and I came across this one, and once I started reading it I just haven't been able to stop.

I love your writing style and I am very intrigued by the vocabulary. I've squealed ''AW'' so many times because Connor and Marissa remind me of me and my fiancee.

Your a very great writer and once again, I love your writing style.
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