Reviews for Intrigue At The Crowned Jewel
thecakethief chapter 11 . 5/17/2009

I feel so horrible!

thecakethief chapter 9 . 5/17/2009

i dont understand why jade would be mad at sebastian for haivng a hard on!

could you please explain ?
Christine Paul toolazytogoon chapter 10 . 5/17/2009

sarrens such a cutie. im always forgetting hes in hiw twenties!

and make Jade happy please hun.
christinaxxyo chapter 1 . 5/7/2009
Truthfully, I'm really confused. I don't know if it's because I'm reading really quickly or what but I can't keep up. I'm not even sure if Black Viper is a guy or a girl yet x_x It seems like a really interesting story but I just don't... get it :P
Crimsonoaks chapter 6 . 5/1/2009
just had to say that i love lime jade's character
Crimsonoaks chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
amazing first chapter! It leaves the reader wanting to know more, which cannot be said for the beginning of many other stories.
Lady Kickass chapter 28 . 4/27/2009
I really really liked this story. Very nicely done. This is what I'm hoping to read when I come to scan this site for stories. Thanks much! Keep writing!
juju chapter 1 . 4/22/2009
i like the ending of this chapter!

tsk, tsk Black Viper.

wuts his real name?
bronsautracks chapter 28 . 3/31/2009
okay. so i finally finished reading this last week. but i was on break, so i couldn't fav or comment from that computer (because i don't actually know my password :O)

but ANYWAYS this story is effing amazing. i'm officially in love with it. like seriously. if i had a story soulmate. this would be it. i'd be getting married. right now.

mkay. that's all, even though it's not nearly enough to describe how intensely interesting this story was. i'm not so great with ze words. :]

Laugh With Rage chapter 28 . 3/29/2009
O my goodness...Amazingness! I just took a couple days to read your story and could barely pull myself away. The plot was interesting, the characters were lovable, and all in all it was a great story. Thank you so much for the good read!
KeitarosKeroNeko chapter 28 . 3/27/2009
“What if he doesn't want to make the double-or-single-backed beast with you, kid? Ever run that across your mind?”” AH~! Omgomgomg! You quoted Iago! I officially love you. Like LURV-love you. .

Okay, but really, your story was absolutely phenomenal...erk, spelling. It was amazing, awe-inspiring, the best-damn thing ever! How bout that? Really though, I have that depressed feeling I always get when I finish reading an amazing piece. Part of me wishes I was half-something and working at a fancy brothel too right now. *cries* Part of me just wants to sit here and babble about how amazing you and your work are, but sadly I lack the proper words to convey my love. All I can say is that, as a girl who's won speech contests talking about falling into magical worlds to find your perfect someone, this satisfied my cravings for fantasy and romance and still left me hollow, needing more. I want it to go on forever, but at the same time I know it had to end here.

All the way through I adored each and every one of your characters. Seba's multiple personas reflecting the plurality in my own life with how I act around differnt people just like how I identified with Jade's ostricization in what was supposed to be a tight family of friends while Cameo was so wonderfully innocent and sensual at the same time and Prince Adrian's flowery words and shy personallity charmed the nerd in me to no end. I really just can tell you how much I loved every single person. There wasn't a character that I COULDN'T identify with. Even Fawn and Star! Ah, though I am afraid of genies...Blued Moon...TT-TT But that's a personal phobia! Not your writting! *dies*

Anyways, I have to go before I'm beheaded by my roommates for the light of the laptop.

Just wanted to know that I'm extatic that I was able to find your story and can only hope for more authors like you.


Poptart Guava King chapter 1 . 3/26/2009
teehee. wonderful first chapter. i might be hooked. :D

i think i like black viper...both of him... :P
AlastrinaMeadow chapter 28 . 3/22/2009
It was AWESOME! I can't wai to read more of your stuff.
bronsautracks chapter 8 . 3/17/2009
i think adrian is the cursed prince.

that's what i think. :) i'm excited to find out.
Lexy-Kun chapter 14 . 3/15/2009
Just a short review, so that you know you haven't lost my interest over the last few chapters, but that I just couldn't stop reading long enough to review. In fact, I didn't stop reading long enough to fix myself to eat, which means it's 11pm and I haven't eaten all day. Bad, bad.

Lime Jade seems to have at least somewhat recovered from his debacle with Sebastian, I can't believe Lord Adrian didn't realise Rose Quartz's affection for him and oh gosh Adrian and Black Viper got incredibly close ! All in all, the only one to never get any "Adrian" action is the poor Sebastian. Is that ever going to change for him ? Of course, the answer must be yes, I'm so eager to see that.

I knew something was up about the scars, but I thought they weren't actually real, that they were made up by the curse when in fact it's the healing, occuring one hour before midnight. Did I understand well ? I'm still a bit confused sometimes, and I have to admit I'm just too eager to know what's going to happen next to dwell very long on it. I thought maybe Adrian wasn't so self-conscious about his scars around Rose Quartz because women couldn't see it (hence the all-women staff and Sweet Lavender's vision) but then again what kind of curse would that be?

I actually kind of like Sebastian's father, even if only for his protectiveness towards his son, but yeah I would probably be very scared of him too.

And Lord Adrian is definitely the cursed Prince. Where he lives, his reaction when he thought he recognized Capricious Rose, because that would blow up his cover... What's up with that, by the way ? Why do they dimly recognize each other, but without her being introduced as Capricious Rose, owner of the Crowned Jewel?

Well, I guess I have to read then.

Once again, the feelings are really beautifully conveyed.
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