Reviews for Too close for comfort
CocoACuPkake chapter 3 . 8/15/2011
I really luved this chapter -(Chapter3)- It was very hilarious in my opinion. Luvin the whole story over though.
thefrogsareattacking chapter 16 . 8/15/2009
WOW! Love this story! Please finish!
Hypa To Hell And Back chapter 17 . 4/16/2009
aww mags sorry it took me along time to read. been catching up on chapters i havent read. any who LOVE IT adore it. im all giddy hehe love it. needs editing so ill do that if you want and i remember and stuff.

i cant wait for the next chapter. this gets better and better everytime you update hehe. brilliant hunni. cant wait for an update

dusted chapter 17 . 1/24/2009
i read the whole story so far. ugh i wish shane and lyra weren't going to be step-siblings. then they could do whatever they wanted. XD danny shouldn't be making out with lyra! he's just making everything worse. :
WriterGurl123 chapter 17 . 1/19/2009
I don't think that her hooking up with Danny makes the situation any better-if anything, it's more confusing. Boys just love to make us girls feel stupid and we tend to second guess ourselves when they're around...stupid boys! ] lol

Love it!
Kyrina chapter 17 . 1/18/2009
Scorpiongurl324 chapter 17 . 1/15/2009
Wow, awesome chapter. Update soon! What's with Danny and Lyra? He was jealous, I know that. So does he like her and her him? I like Shane, I know it's a lil not right, but he won't be living with the fam for much longer, will he? Isn't he like in college or something? Won't he be going into the world soon? Well, update soon!

Kimberlli chapter 17 . 1/14/2009
I still owe you a 20 word review don't I?

Ok, i'm going to try and make it as long as I can..

Ok, First Topic:

Me Likey Shane.. lol. That sounded childish..Very childish, but true, i do like Shane.. But I Don't like Danny.. and I don't really know why.. maybe because he was interrupting the flipping kissing sscene I had been waiting for. Andf threatening Shane. the Nerve of the guy.. lol.. I'm seriously nuts.. but it's true(:

Second Topic:

I'm beggining to not like Lyra. I guess it has something to do with the fact she slapped Shane and not Danny. What's with the violence anyways?

Third Topic:

I love SOL.. that means Sun in spanish! YAY! Oh don't mind me..

Fourth Topic:

I'm running out of topics.. Darn and I'm not even close to 10 characters.. I'm so sad. I need coke..

I promise I will drink coke before reviewing next chapter!(:


MySweetFears chapter 17 . 1/14/2009
. certain people are gonna go ape shit bout that last bit! i cant wait;)
Kayla chapter 16 . 12/10/2008
Thank you for updating. I was waiting for you to post a new chapter. The story gets better and better. Your way of writing makes it easier for the reader to understand Lyra's and Shane's character better and empathise with them.

I think Lyra will be more confused now that Shane kissed her when she asked him why he hates her. I like her character. Her thoughts and actions made her seem real.

" “Lyra, where are you going?”

She stopped abruptly, turning around, looking at me surprise. “Oh!... Shane!” She blushed.

She had forgotten I was there.

Glad to know I’m that important."

I just love Shane's reaction towards Lyra!

Can't wait for the next chapter.
Kyrina chapter 16 . 12/8/2008
o i LURRVE this story, seriously! update soon!
MidnyghtVampyrezz chapter 16 . 12/3/2008
Im still loving this and if I ever do get an award I'll thank you in my acception speech. But I lived it and cannot wait for the next update!
MySweetFears chapter 16 . 12/3/2008
just knew that they were gona kiss. want them to be together but how are they gonna get round the sibling thing? cant wait to see how the dinner goes though!
Scorpiongurl324 chapter 16 . 12/2/2008
Loved it! U do have quite a few grammer problems. Do u have a beta reader? If not u should get one. The grammer problems aren't major, u just use the wrong tenses at certain times and sometimes what u say makes no sense, but it's gotten way better lately. Not as many and not as confusing. Well Update soon! Plus I read it in bout a day, actually less then. I'm a very fast reader.

Kimberlli chapter 16 . 12/2/2008
Mwuahahahahahhahahahahahahaha... KISSES!

I LIKE IT... lol.

Sorry I had coke a while ago.. bad for my organism. )

Anyway, I'm making a fanclub for Danny too, now. XD

But seriously.. picturing her naked.. that's sick.. and weird.. and COOL! It makes me wanna dance.. ok ignore I just said..(wrote) that..


this was one hell of a chapter, though it wasn't as LONG as the other it was still good!

I do not like lindsay.. at all.

She wasn't a nice person.

Though I have to ask, Why was she all nice with Ashley?

And why did she called her Aschen?


Sorry random moment :D








Chapter.. )

I'm waiting for more... no pressure though XD

Peace&A cute dog from Nintendogs..


PS: I am HONORED to have the Chapter dedicated..

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