Reviews for Die, Everyone's Doing It
sabatae chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
I love your style of writing, this story was absolutely fantastic as well. Great job!
x3xJOJOx3x chapter 2 . 6/10/2012
For the respect of your readers and future readers you should take this down. You should take it down completely. It's not fair.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/4/2011
Ahhhhhh...its impossible to it findable? if it is could post the url or something so everyone could see? because, as im sure loads of others agree, your story looks amazing :D
loveseekerXoX chapter 17 . 2/3/2011
You smelly chapter 2 . 1/25/2010
I wish I had printed out this story. I can't believe you took it down.
me. yes. me chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
I loved this! :( The first chapter was enough to make an impact as I could relate on some levels and the concept was just plain intriguing! And the title... ah, genius! I just wished I'd clicked on this sooner! Or there was some way I could read the rest of it now! :( I'm favourite-ing it anyway!
She Had Somewhere To Go chapter 22 . 9/13/2009
I hope this gets published! Still one of my favorites :)
gokudera chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
where can i read the rest of this fic? i know you said it in your profile, but can you give me the url please? thank you!
The Dumbing Down Of Love chapter 2 . 8/13/2009 sounded so interesting T.T

Is there any way I could read it sometime soon? Cause I have HSC coming up, and nowish is my only gap between trials and, perhaps?

...dammit, it's still not on Authonomy. What's your definition of soon?
The Dumbing Down Of Love chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
It's like Fight Club all over again!, really, it's EXACTLY like Fight Club. Only...set in high school. Complete with dramatic flash-forward and everything.

But hey, I love Fight Club, so it's all good.
xXReader.Desu.YoXx chapter 25 . 7/20/2009
Just finished, and i'm not sure how i feel about this story.

No, it's great. It was interesting seeing everything from Delilah's perspective...

And here comes this 'but' that i want to say...without much reasoning added to it because well, a little epilogue that shared the other character's view would've...

see , i dont know.

I think the ending was expected, and just the mere curiousity of how she would resolve her problems drove me on to finish reading this. Because, we can all relate to her p.o.v near the begining, but her personality/characterization was just a little lacking to me.

A little.

But then again, i can't imagine how someone could go to her extent...

I was just a little put off that her solution was very, um typical. expected. not suprising. etc.

Which is a good thing, because it shows that their human?


I guess i was just expecting this WABAM ending that wouldve floored me...and i guess this one did, too. I'm just not SATISFIED.




i liked it.

i'll just leave it at that.
xXReader.Desu.YoXx chapter 18 . 7/20/2009
New reader- here, here.

How do i explain this,

it's different and dark, mysterious yet expected from these behaviors and I'm not sure how it'll end.

It's keeping me on my toes. Sorry i havent been reviewing for each chapter, but it's just been so good- i couldn't spend a second away from reading the next part (:
scribbledcolor chapter 1 . 7/11/2009
Hi, I'm here to report a possible plagiarism? I've never done this before but with this recent bug roaming FictionPress, I thought it should be known, at least.

I haven't exactly read your story but I've heard of it &I was browsing FanFiction the other day when I noticed one in particular. The title was, "Die, Everyone's Doing It" by allurement. I knew that I had heard the title before so I Googled it and your story came up. Now, as I compare the first chapter &theirs, I noticed that this person has most likely revised it to his/her own standards to match the anime. It is possible that this person is changing the story to his/her liking to fit the anime a bit more but might still be your idea in general.

I was just hoping that maybe you could check it out because I abhor plagiarism and its followers. Thank you.

I hope this helps &please feel free to contact me at my email: .
G chapter 12 . 7/1/2009
Geegi chapter 9 . 7/1/2009
oh this chapter just make me feel so happy

I love that Delilah and Cain are finally getting close to each other

they are such fascinating characters and so suited to each other

And its good to see Delilah making some actual changes, not just superficial shizznit
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