Reviews for Finding Warmth
i love life chapter 3 . 10/19/2008
i like it so far update soon pls
breathless74 chapter 3 . 7/29/2008
I really like this beginning! It seems a lot like Jumper, so I'm interested to see where you'll take this. :D
Aleah Rayne chapter 3 . 6/16/2008
Yet another good story from you! :D Even my little sister enjoyed it (she only read the prologue tho) This story seems really interesting. Cecilia's reaction to seeing a random guy in her bathroom was a bit strange and unrealistic...but I guess that's just her character.

Keep writing! :D

Found a few's one:

“If **you want you want** your hairdryer back, I suggest you be nice to me.”
emilybh chapter 3 . 3/3/2008
Lol, CC and reviews are awesome- after all 'wide eyes' writer's have fires, which review fuel and thus if no reviews, no writer and no writing!

Forgive my metaphor :) i joined you for the chapter :D looking forward to the next one!

I found it confusing the way you( u did want CC right?) went from Cecilia to kristen and then cecilia and kristen again.

It was just a tad confusing, but i slowly got my heard around it. ( well not slowly, just less quickly than normal) keep writing this! :)
mythee chapter 3 . 3/3/2008
Ok, when I read that Kristian went missing and suddenly came back, I thought 'He joined the mafia!' (I just finished reading JAG so that must be why).

But then the 'teleported' thing happened! It made this story even more intriguing and Cecilia is hilarious. Though how can she not recognized him?

Kationo4ka chapter 3 . 3/3/2008
Well, I guess you are pretty much holding the next chapter of the story hostage - and need reviews in return, so I gave in and desided to write one. Although I can't say much more than: I love this story, sure it may 3 chapters in, but it has intrigued me far more than Lord of the Rings did at this very point, and I happen to love that book ;). I really like the selection of the names, by the way, but thats for my own little reasons, hint hint.

Keep writing, and I'll keep reviewing
Tecna chapter 3 . 3/3/2008
I'm hoping for another really quick update, this story gets fascinating by every chapter. Iloved this chapter,it's amazing. I really can't wait to see her reaction to his answer but also when she finds out who he really is. Update and fast.

Tecna ;)
simplycarol chapter 3 . 3/2/2008

I loved this chapter.

Though this is a little slow.

Well anyway,

update soon!
a chapter 3 . 3/2/2008
You caught me. I am guilty. I added, but didn't review. ). But I'm glad that you're updating. This chapter was cute.

Did you by any chance get this idea from Jumper?
KelseyBell910 chapter 3 . 3/2/2008
good, kinda confusing at first. but it was good.
kazahana chapter 2 . 3/1/2008
Looking good so far though it's short. I do love long chapters :p I'll wait patiently for the next chapter!
KelseyBell910 chapter 2 . 2/26/2008
it looks good. ] continue soon.
Tecna chapter 2 . 2/26/2008
Great detail in this chapter, really makes you wonder what actually happend. There's suspense and a thriller, I can't wait to read more. Do update!

Tecna ;)
I Quoth Nevermore chapter 2 . 2/26/2008
This chapter wasn't tedious. It gave important background information that will probably be the basis of the story. Am I right? Anyways, I like your writing style. Pretty darn sweet. I hope you update soon!
emilybh chapter 2 . 2/26/2008
pretty cool, i like it!

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