Reviews for Life is Better in Paperback
Brightheart chapter 19 . 6/24/2014
I loved this story!
jennielove chapter 19 . 4/5/2013
soooo beautiful! i just loved it. i loved all the characters, specially Cameron and emelia's. I loved it that Emilia was a shy girl. different from the girls in other fictions.

keep writing. you are a great writer:)
Guest chapter 10 . 2/20/2013
REALLY REALLY LOVED IT! But i'm annoyed that you haven't been working on the sequel for almost 5 years now! :(
I love all the couples in this book: Emilia and Cameron, Will and Claire, Cassidy and Nathan and Roxanne and Noah (I fell in love with the Irish musician with the hat).
I also loved Fiona!

Only one thing got my attention: Will and Claire were going to name their baby Ava or Tristan and Cassidy and Nathan were going to name their baby Kyran or Alicia but end up naming him Tristan. Just a fact that caught my attention because I really love both names (Kyran and Tristan).

Light15 chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
This is really nice. I'm gonna keep reading!
Elaina McKenzie Sharpe chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
I knew it! I love that. I think I would die if I found out my best friend was secretly a bestselling historical romance novelist. THis sounds like it'll be really good in the chapters to come!
Monica chapter 19 . 7/7/2011
Absolutely great story! One of the best I've ever read. Fantastic work!
no-ones-puppet chapter 19 . 2/28/2011
absolutely adorable! :) I haven't read the other stories involved with this one, but I'm definitely going to check them out if they're out there!
mmaii chapter 19 . 1/22/2011
this was a really sweet story and i thought it was great that you wrote in roxanne's and noah's as a extra romance too.

I love the ending for Cameron and Emilia. Can't wait till you finish the story with fiona :D
malka phoenix chapter 19 . 2/22/2010
love it !
LovEInsanity chapter 19 . 1/18/2010
At first when I read the Summary I though it was something like "Read-it-to-kill-time" kind of thing but Its really good or better than what i expected it to be, a page turner or chapter clicker to be exact..hehehe :D Nicely Done
animegirl214 chapter 19 . 11/29/2009
aw! OMG! this was REALLY good! :D :D :D

thanks so much for this awesome story! :D :D :D
esssjay chapter 1 . 6/28/2009
hey :) i read yor story after seeing it on a 'recommended reads' list on one of my fave writers' page. i admit unlike other stories that i usually read, i wasn't immediately drawn to the story. i think that was just coz of the story's summary, but i admit you probably did a better job of it than i could; im hopeless wit those kinda things. anyway, once i started reading it was quite enjoyable [: i like the way you finished off the story. the final chapter cut off at a nice place in the plot and the epilogue was just the right amount of closure. overall a nice read, thanks !
woesoflove chapter 19 . 6/11/2009
I really enjoyed this story, thanks for posting it and sharing!
3DarkGoddess3 chapter 19 . 6/3/2009
Great story. I love how sweet they both are.
Kaitlyn.Marie chapter 19 . 4/17/2009
absolutely excellent. i'm speechless and so horridly disappointed that i have no more to read! *pout* oh well, i'll have to check out more of your others.

review mine?

oh, and before i forget, maybe, if you ever revise this or anything, maybe you could be a little bit more specific about the time line and how fast time passes in there? i know she's only there for three weeks, but it was still a bit confusing.

keep writing!

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