Reviews for Lack of an Afterlife
IBelieveYou chapter 12 . 2/9/2013
OMG Your story is so amazing!Update soon!
Chocolate Saucy chapter 12 . 1/24/2011
Oh thanks for updating this story, glad to hear that you going to finish his one too, hope you are good and can update soon :)

Nightmares and Dreams chapter 12 . 1/19/2011
Seeing that this had been updated made me so happy, I'm glad to see that you're still continuing this as I'm quite enjoying this story.

I'll definitely be looking forward to the next update :)
ZeeGreat chapter 11 . 12/28/2010
AH! i know you havent been here for a year but could you somehow update? this story is so amazing and i wish to know how it ends or i will just assum a hamster and a pterodactyl had a child and ate all the characters and consequently cause the apocalypse.

you wouldn't want to be responsible for that would you? i thought not.


KayleeJohn chapter 11 . 10/1/2010
AW cute! Okay CONTINUE! I really really love this story!
Nightmares and Dreams chapter 11 . 9/5/2010
Even though it hasn't been updated in a long time I might as well leave a review.

Besides the very few writing mistakes that others have already pointed out, it's really good. The story has definitely got my interest and I hope you decide to continue it.
REAPER chapter 11 . 2/23/2010
amber is amazingly stupid. she hasn't even got an ounce of brains or common sense for that matter. No willpower. nothing.
ponponcake chapter 11 . 12/29/2009
Woah this is certainly interesting :) haha hm hope it won't be a sad ending though .. update soon please, I love your story~!
Black Claided Cat chapter 11 . 5/31/2009
This story is super awsome! But from reading your A/N it seems as though you don't update a lot... This story interests me a lot, so please try in your best ability to update as soon as you can. :) It would be much appreciated!
Lonzo chapter 11 . 4/29/2009
Well, from all your author notes, I'll be waiting a while for updates, so I'll TRY to be patient. No gaurantees though...
Lonzo chapter 1 . 4/29/2009
very good.
StoriesAtMidnight chapter 11 . 3/22/2009
AWESOME! i love it :) it is really different but that makes it even better :) update really soon plz! :)
Grape chapter 11 . 3/5/2009
Oh...! I like this! Its great! I wish there were more chapters, it was a very broad hint by the way. Hope you are able to post the next chapter soon.
Ray-Anne chapter 11 . 3/1/2009
This story is so good, her character is so well done. I'm hating reading your A/N seeing you don't update nearly enough to feed my curiosity. Lol, all the same. Great work truly
Faith Adeline chapter 11 . 2/28/2009
Aw, cute. Just remember to place a comma before saying a name, such as, "I know I don't treat you right all the time, Amber." You have to seperate the person that's being spoken to from the sentence. Keep it up and update soon!

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