Reviews for In My Own Words
annayh44 chapter 1 . 10/22/2015
Oh MY GoD ! I think I'm really deeply in love with this wonderful story and I can say its one of best one shot I feel lucky to get to read! Just love it and ofc original is Best ! hahaha I never do remember movie quotes and i guess i should actually try from now xD
theKnobblyKneedWriter chapter 1 . 4/28/2012
Of course this is amazing... it would be...
The Golden Orchid chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
i can totally picture this as a movie. fan-fuckin-tastic! but do guys like mattie even exist? gah! a girl can dream though, can't she?
Brown-Eyed Chocoholic chapter 1 . 5/2/2011
Memorable. :)
urtenshii chapter 1 . 3/28/2011
:) I adore this ! congratulations on your story !

i am hoping that there's more to come :)
Midnight113 chapter 1 . 11/17/2010
Adorable, good job!
elma chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
reaal cute :)

you probably get reviews like that all the time but that's honestly the best word i can think of to describe it!
KarmaC chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
I, personally, LOVE movie quotes. But saying things in your own words is better! Such a cute story!
CharlotteBradhadair chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
casanova is a great movie! good story!

BookwormExtraordinary chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
I love your story! I was just wondering what happens to Zoe. I mean, she goes out with this guy for what was it-two months? And she admitts she loves him, and he just runs away! Being a geek myself, I would assume that Zoe has probably never had a boyfriend, never been asked out, never said that she loves someone who wasn't family. I was just thinking that maybe Matt should have stuck around a bit, told Zoe that he just realized that he's in love with Rachel, rather than one day at school Zoe seeing her ex-boyfriend with his best friend and knowing why she got dumped. I just think that you left her in a very vulnerable position. She's just had her heart broken and has no clue what just happened. Just something to think about. :-) Apart from that loose end, I really do love your story. Keep writing!

dark jam chapter 1 . 5/21/2009
Very nicely done! It's great that you were able to put in so many quotes! BTW, I loved his confession. The "I hate you because blah blah blah, but I love you 'coz you etcetera etcetera etcetera." Made me think of '10 Things I Hate About You.' Have you seen that movie? It's awesome! Gosh, I love modern Shakespeare.
Duuude chapter 1 . 1/2/2009
Aw. This is so cute. I love the quote theme. And I really really like his quote. Very, very unique of him. Finally some originality. I mean those guys came up with those quotes, get your own!


I need to watch Casanova, I feel stupid for not having seen it.

Anyway, Ray and Mattie are too cute. I love how awkward they were about liking each other but then she laughed and ran into his arms anyway. Aww. Me love story. Caveman speak for this was a lovely read.

Sankyuu very much. )
toffeecakesxox chapter 1 . 12/7/2008
It took a while, but that ending was the cutest thing I've ever read. Matt's own words are better than any movie quote, honestly. So amazing. I enjoyed the length - really built up the story for the big, adorable finish at the end! :D

Definitely faving!

moshpitqueen chapter 1 . 11/29/2008
Haha,I loved the movie quotes. When I read the part about the six smiles, I was all, "ZOMG, WIN A DATE WITH TAD HAMILTON!"

Although I disagree about the Josh Duhamel bit. Topher Grace is still the cutie in that movie for me. :P

Great story!
blurrylights chapter 1 . 11/25/2008
So sweet! Matt was totally adorable. Great job! :P
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