Reviews for Drowning Lessons
BreezzyK chapter 25 . 3/19/2009
Oh My God.

It has taken me about two and a half weeks to finish this. Which, I admit, is odd, because I am known to most people for how quickly I can read. Though, my parents have recently put a lock on my computer, so I can only use it at certain times. ):

At first, yes, like many others, I thought it alot like Twilight, But after I kept reading, I can't say that anymore. I love it. Is this the end? I know for chapters 24,25,26, you said you weren't going to keep updating, but I think that was awhile ago?

Its a nice place to end it, except for the unsolved problem of our mystery stalker and blood poisoner... :P

I will definitely keep an eye out for a published novel sometime in the future! It would surely become a most coveted edition to my bookshelves. :D

darkest.Quasar chapter 25 . 3/12/2009
0.0 Woah. Just...woah. I stayed up until 1:30 to finish this. It was a lot like Twilight, but mostly to begin with. You really took it off on its/your/whatever-I'm-too-tired-to-come-up-with-the-proper-pronoun own. :D That was awesome! I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed the Jeremy character, too. And Aimee was awesome too! :) (Oh jeez, I'm tired. I can't even type properly). Anyway, I really enjoyed this!
lostlotus chapter 25 . 3/11/2009
Great Chapter
clairey chapter 25 . 3/9/2009
Liking it so far :D update soon
Imagination's Dust chapter 6 . 3/8/2009
Pretty good so far, but too many similarities to Twilight, what with Biology class and stuff. I'm glad the girl isn't automatically Ms. Popularity though. x_x

In this chapter Jill says she hasn't eaten choc chip pancakes in four years. I recall her dad making them a couple chapters ago. XD

- HT
heartxheat chapter 25 . 3/8/2009
Yes! You are a live! And back with another awesome chapter for us to read~

Andrew... you shall be shanked.
afraid-of-silence chapter 25 . 3/8/2009
I'm so excited you finally updated. I was afraid there would be no more. Yay. It was good. I like the fact that Gerard is getting more touchy again and by touchy, i mean touching her. Cause he was freaking me out before. But Yay.
Sakiru Yume chapter 25 . 3/8/2009
Nice chapter. I liked it. Please post again soon. Um, sorry, but I can't think of anything else to say.
Lisa chapter 25 . 3/8/2009
So I love this chapter. Mostly because of the anticipation but also because it's very evident of Gerard's love for her.

I know you hurried to get this up, and thank you. But there are a few typos. :)
So.Who.Will.Call.Me.Beautiful chapter 25 . 3/7/2009
YAY!YOU UPDATED! That made my day no joke. It's really irking me that I don't know what was that infection/unknown thing she had. Very well written. Keep it up and PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
SassyGrl chapter 25 . 3/7/2009
Mal O chapter 8 . 3/5/2009
Oh my gosh talk about giving me the chills! This is probably my favorite chapter so was amazing! You're an awesome author :)
theothersideofsandpaper chapter 25 . 3/4/2009
Yes I did come here cheering. lol. But oh well, I can't wait for the next chapter!

YAY! This story is awesome :D

Medelia chapter 25 . 3/4/2009
I am so glad to hear from you. I haven't forgotten your story, I still check it every few days XD. I love your story so don't give up, take all the time you need to write the rest of it. Even if I have to re-read it a thousand times over until the next chapter. XD
ashtonaesthetic chapter 25 . 3/4/2009
YAY! I can't wait!
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