Reviews for Drowning Lessons
So.Who.Will.Call.Me.Beautiful chapter 8 . 12/29/2008
so sorry i haven't been reviewing i have been glued to this story! i LOVE it! omg when there was a car following them that scared me!
So.Who.Will.Call.Me.Beautiful chapter 5 . 12/29/2008
omg! gerard is such a gentleman! i love him and i can't wait to meet jill's to-be husband
So.Who.Will.Call.Me.Beautiful chapter 4 . 12/29/2008
omg! i love his family!
So.Who.Will.Call.Me.Beautiful chapter 1 . 12/28/2008
omygoodness!he's hot!
Beautiful Pixie chapter 24 . 11/7/2008
This was amazing, I loved it.
Guest chapter 24 . 9/15/2008
Cliff Hangers are EVIL. so this was the end of the first book right? I am completely confused as to what the heck is going on. One moment Happiness that everything has been sorted out then the next she screaming and in pain?...let me say one thing. HUH? Confused. But! I want o know what happens next so I will be anxiously awaiting the next update. I love this story.


There are some similarities to twilight in the story but it is easy to tell that this story in your own and anyone who says that you are plagiarizing is a moron. -
Scorpiongurl324 chapter 24 . 9/14/2008
Loved it! Update soon, srry bout not reading it for awhile I've been super busy, school started last week and I've been loaded with homework and chores like everynight.

teardropsONroses chapter 24 . 8/30/2008
like whoa.

totally awesome and ouch too.

but way good.

all three previous chapters were good i just normally catch up and then review

so yeah, freaking awesome!

(enjoy? school)

totally understand, love to read more when you have it!
lostlotus chapter 24 . 8/19/2008
Lisa Richards chapter 24 . 8/17/2008
I'm actually confused in the end... what just happened?
lostlotus chapter 23 . 8/17/2008
love it
lostlotus chapter 22 . 8/17/2008
love it
JustAnotherLibroLover chapter 24 . 8/17/2008






You tell us you're not going to write for a long time ( which I completely understand and all, but still, I'm sad), and then you leave us WITH THAT!








Like the BIGGEST CLIFF HANGER EVER, and now we have to wait a super long time for the next chapter!



I'm done ranting... mostly...

If you can't tell I loved loved loved these chapters, and will force myself to wait semi-patiently for the next update... gr



Sorry, guess I wasn't completely done with the whole ranting thing... hee hee.

Great story... and have fun in school... and I'll be waiting for your next update!
light.and.darkness.angel chapter 24 . 8/15/2008
i loved the chapter

and i understand y ur gonna update a bit slowly for awhile.

but i want u to know that i'll never loose faith in this story

it's awesome
euphoria-falls chapter 24 . 8/15/2008
dude! way to leave a cliff hanger! don't worry. i'll keep you on alert.

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