Reviews for SOS
Guest chapter 18 . 12/14/2018
So ADORABLE! Loved it. Thank you for sharing it with us :)
Yoshivist chapter 18 . 10/31/2017
I'm not even kidding - I've read this story for like 5 times and I'm sure I'll still come back to it. I love how there's not unnecessary drama keeping the love interests apart, I like pretty much all the characters(I don't hate even those I'm supposed to hate) and it's well-written. I sincerely hope you never take it down.
Guest chapter 18 . 6/12/2016
very good story , I enjoy it!:P:D
jerrellsgirl112606 chapter 18 . 7/28/2013
I really liked this. You are a great wrighter keep up the good work.
ChellyWrites chapter 18 . 12/10/2011
I LOVE IT! It was adorable and hilarious. "SOS" and "Nacho" are definitely two of the cutest stories I've ever read. You're an amazing author :) Don't stop doing what you love, and keep on writing! xoxo, Chelly
Bubbly Girl chapter 18 . 9/18/2011
WOW! This story turned out pretty well! A little confusing here and there but otherwise amazing! Great job! :)

Peace, Love and Happiness! :)

~Bubbly Girl
Elssyn Ohmai chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
Hi! Your story sounds interesting but i do have a couple of concerns I thought that I might share with you.

1) What was it about angela that made the main character think of her as a weirdo?

2) I cannot visualize the setting or the main character herself.

But it does sound good so far :)
Faatkitty chapter 18 . 4/20/2011
I really liked this.

It wasn't like the usual fast moving stories and that made me smile. :)

I hope you keep writing because right now you're my all time favourite. :D

Cheers. :)
artmagus chapter 18 . 3/14/2011
it was really fun to see how Soup was thinking about Serena! and i really liked Alphonso!
Ceri Anne chapter 18 . 2/17/2011
I just wanted to say that your writing is fantastic! I had to sit and read this in one sitting because I couldn't stop. And although there are some similarities between this and adventureland, I wouldn't say it was ripping it off at all! The only thing that really stands out is that it's set in a theme park! So yeah, I say congrats on such a wonderful story!
mahi chapter 10 . 11/13/2010
Cute story...the ending was so bittersweet as she said.
lukas10 chapter 18 . 9/6/2010
i think i'm in love with your writting! god i couldn't sleep last night because of this story! it's soo sweet! excellent job! you made m fall in love with soup..!

(i'm a she though, just saying to clear any weirdness about my review)

i think i'm sticking with your stories for a while. hope you start something new soon. AWESOME!


ps: i read you oneshot too, it was real sweet, though i find it too short but still loved it.
Myst C chapter 18 . 9/3/2010
cute story i love it the ending was so sweet n so is soup/aaron.
Setogirl2 chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
im still reading but so far looks good

will tell my full opinion after reading
PopMyCherry chapter 18 . 8/6/2010
I've read this story about a million times, and I love it every time. It's one of the few stories I have on my favourites lists. You are a really good writer. You can write a whole chapter without making me want to poke my own eyes out from spelling mistakes, puncuation, etc.

I know this story is old, and you probably do not eve read reviews from it any more, but I just wanted to say, good work!
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