Reviews for the list
Da Vinci at Work chapter 35 . 7/3/2008
Whoa, I've been away for 10 days and you've dished out 3 chapters. Skillz.

Haha. I love this chapter, like all the other chapters. But it's longer. Which is always a good thing.

The simplicity of it makes me melt like chocolate. D
hidden.superstar chapter 35 . 7/2/2008
I'm back - god, I love this story.

Hunter is cool but too good to be true - I think. I want her to meet Nico again! Yes, I have the hots for Nico. (:

But when he's a jerk, I don't like it. I'm too fickle. That's not cool I suppose, but then if he was a jerk to me, I'd damn tell him straight!

Haha- can't wait for more when you get back from Vietnam - hope you have an AMAZING time. I need to hear all when you get back. (I responded to your review response through a message btw sorry!)
Sorrow's Smile chapter 35 . 7/1/2008
This is really interesting and really seems like a 's a very unique way of writing and I want to see how it ends.
Blank89901 chapter 35 . 6/30/2008
I love the concept : )

Personally, I think Nico is the "one" because according to the summary Hunter can't be the "one". I love Hunter...but there's still something that is kind of cheesy about him. Or at least I think so. Out of all the guys, I thought Brendan was kind of interesting...

Hope to see more of Nico later.

Update soon, please?
firestar267 chapter 35 . 6/28/2008
This is so unlike the things i would normally read, its wierd! but its really good! such a simplistic stly actually fits, and you get enough of the plot for it to work well. after reading the list, i wondered how you were going to do this - and i like how you have done, i hope you update soon :)
geminibaby6789 chapter 35 . 6/27/2008
Whew! YOU"RE BACK! Thanks for the chapters! I really thought that they were screwed after dinner. I have to give props for Hunter for doing that. I have never anyone so calm and bold. Thanks again and update soon! :)
pearlchavez chapter 35 . 6/27/2008
i liked all 3 chapters, speshly the nico one, significantly short :). The chapters are getting longer, which is great, cos you needed detail for the doublt date. I don't know what it is, but you don't concentreate in what other writers concentrate on while writing...which isn't a bad thing. It's unique, and you're a great writer for it :)
ohlovely chapter 35 . 6/27/2008
M, fondue sounds really good right now.

Weird chapter, I gotta say. I'd be kind of creeped out seeing a guy in white pants sitting in front of a fancy restaurant playing guitar.. but hey, you do what you gotta do. (: Update son!
Radioactive Jeans chapter 35 . 6/27/2008
Oh, wow. I KNEW he was going to busk! I'm such a psychic. :D That was exciting. Fondue is frickin' awesome. Well, chocolate fondue for me anyway. (for some odd reason, cheese fondue creeps me out)

I liked this chapter a lot. Hunter is very sweet. I love that about him. :)

Keep up the good work!
Radioactive Jeans chapter 34 . 6/27/2008
More brownie points for Hunter, but I'm starting to think that he's too good to be true. That scares me a bit.

Anyway, another nice update!
Radioactive Jeans chapter 33 . 6/27/2008

But then again, that's what you get for being so... rash, Nico.

Tsk, tsk.

Glad you're back!

... and then leaving again. :D
barelyamiable chapter 35 . 6/27/2008
The interaction between the characters is really good. (:

I liked reading these chapters!

Ooh, Vietnam sounds fun!

I wish I could do some traveling this summer.


Guess what? It's Helen Keller's birthday today. (:
Change of Dose chapter 35 . 6/27/2008
Yes! Long update, and three chapters on top of that! I really liked the last chapter. It brings out more of Hunter's quirky perfectness. And Fabio's so cute. But everytime I picture him, I always see long, flowing blonde hair O_o. Well, I wonder what's going to happen next with the Nico situation. He did seem like a sweet kid until the whole mom thing. But we don't have the whole story so I guess I can't judge him too harshly. Great story so far!
1overE chapter 35 . 6/27/2008
Eh. Wow! Just-wow. Plus I have to rush to get to summer honors maths... So review will be short.

Much love

1overE chapter 34 . 6/27/2008
That last sentence kinda creeped me out... Always... -insert Twilight zone music here-. Something will go wrong, won't it? -sigh-
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