Reviews for the list
1overE chapter 33 . 6/27/2008
Are you Viet? Thank you for the redheads comment... Nico... wow. Tsk-tsk. I think all the "Nico Oberman is boss" just disappeared from people's profiles.
KelseyBell910 chapter 35 . 6/26/2008
So the waiter gets a three dollar tip?
Nina Kindred chapter 35 . 6/26/2008
That was creative. I liked it.
shadowgirl618 chapter 35 . 6/26/2008
Cute! I can't wait for more. I liked the chapter where she said she wasn't going to hang with Rico anymore. It provides promise for other chapters. hehe.
Faith Adeline chapter 35 . 6/26/2008
Good chapters, although to make it flow better, I would lessen the I am's and stuff like that, to just I'm. It looks a bit better, and flows a lot better. Keep it up!

Catcher in the Rye chapter 35 . 6/26/2008
Aw this the cutest most perfect hunter I've ever heard of! haha
Catcher in the Rye chapter 34 . 6/26/2008
Hunter keeps making me think of this kid I don't like to much. Not his personality...just his name haha
Catcher in the Rye chapter 33 . 6/26/2008
Dreams of death by Chocolat chapter 35 . 6/26/2008
Now that's pretty impressive. He got the money seemingly easy. I wonder why she won't be happy? Well can't wait for more!
Dreams of death by Chocolat chapter 34 . 6/26/2008
Oh hunter sounds so sweet. Though I still think he's hiding something.
Dreams of death by Chocolat chapter 33 . 6/26/2008
Poor Nico, but he deserves it. He should treat his mom better.
RYTEREWQ chapter 35 . 6/26/2008

I added this to my Story Alerts like, back when ch. 31 was out, & thought its time to review. D

I love the format of this story...the forward attitude in the way she narrates the story is very appealing, and I like how the lack of quotations and speech really adds to the story and makes it original.

And yes, Hunter resembles Edward Cullen, and I feel the same way about both of them. They seem really nice, and any girl would be lucky to have them, but they still...don't cut it for me, somehow. Nico is like the Jacob Black here. I prefer Jake to Edward, and its the same here. I like Nico better. I hope she ends up with him.

Random question: the main character's name hasn't been mentioned yet, has it? Cause if it has, I totally missed it. XD

And thanks for updating so much. D
fleece-rot chapter 32 . 6/25/2008
Mind if I borrow your writing style?
Maybreakmyheart chapter 6 . 6/22/2008
Yay! I love this chapter it's simple but still funny I like the fact the the main character is allergic to flour because that really adds to the comedy of the cookie thing!
Maybreakmyheart chapter 5 . 6/22/2008
Hehe I like the way her friend says "he’s friggin’ Italian of course he’s the right one." Lol her friend has such an original personality it's great! I love it, like I said in the last review.. I wonder if this is driving you crazy all the reviews...To bad...Cuz I like reviewing...
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