Reviews for the list
BaleighTheMadQueen chapter 40 . 12/27/2009
i like it but it could have longer chapters . . . just kidding, it's great :D
Ashlee Pond chapter 40 . 12/27/2009
I'm so glad that you've posted again.

Thank you.

I'd love to know how this ends.
CharismaticCharisma chapter 39 . 12/22/2009
What's Nico's freaking problem. I love this story. I love how it's short and sweet. I'm looking foward to the next chapter.
CharismaticCharisma chapter 33 . 12/22/2009
I totally agree. Nico is mean to his mom and that is a turn off!
CharismaticCharisma chapter 31 . 12/22/2009
aww, cutest chapter dus far.
CharismaticCharisma chapter 15 . 12/22/2009
LMAO! I love this chapter! It was hilarious. Especially the guy who couldn't remember the main character's name IN James and the peach.
morphine and lollipops chapter 39 . 12/10/2009
Update, please. I love Hunter, and I hate how Nico has become the enemy. Why? Why must he be the enemy? :/
widdersense chapter 39 . 11/24/2009
I love the title on this segment! Even though I always think Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's "lesser" plays, because it is so over the top. Plus Juliet is 12.

And I totally know what you mean about writing essays! Speaking which of it's currently 2:30! Um, screwed, much?

I completely like Nico and I don't understand why he likes her. She seems very cold to people.
widdersense chapter 26 . 11/24/2009
Nico is too good for her!
widdersense chapter 19 . 11/24/2009
Hmm...I don't feel much sorry for Brendon, since we knew he wasn't the ONE. But I love M! Gosh, I love M. So much more than Main Character Brat.
widdersense chapter 10 . 11/24/2009
AH, she's starting to annoy me! Some things - such as appearances - should not be so important. She is soo soo picky. :) But the concept is still my favorite.
widdersense chapter 7 . 11/24/2009
So far this story is shaping up to be a very lovely concept - not to mention, your writing is a doll. I love the dropping of commas and the very *there* voice she has. I love her list - it is very nearly perfect. (The fact he wouldn't ditch his friends for her is so very telling and so much more significant.)

However! This girl really is picky, though so far the two candidates for her do seem to be lame and conceited. Especially Neil...would anyone actually do that? Something else interesting I are very review-hungry girl. Let's not seem desperate/Neil-like now, shall we? :)

But so far I love it, yes. I love the lengths of the chapter; so refreshing.
A. Nonymous1234 chapter 1 . 11/22/2009
I like the list. I think the girl's really smart. I don't have time to read the rest now, but this looks really good.
LarunaBelle chapter 39 . 11/5/2009
I didn't expect much with the first few chapters, but i've come to really like it.

She should end up with Nico more than Hunter(even if his name ROCKS).
the lovely rebel chapter 12 . 10/28/2009
Ha, this story cracks me up. I love it.

"I tell her I feel like a whore.

She says to be a good one."

So funny. :)
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