Reviews for 20 Questions and Multipule Makeout Sessions
Guest chapter 5 . 6/10/2014
At which point, her best response would have been: True. I suppose that the same applies to you: You're a great kisser, but I could pay any gigalo to give me the same thing. In fact, it would be safer because at least they get checked out for diseases on a regular basis. Call me when you go Pro... perhaps then I'll be able to spare some change for a quick thrill.
jerrellsgirl112606 chapter 21 . 9/2/2013
Omg i loved this story it was amazing. You are an amazing wrighter keep up the great work!
JustNotPerfect24 chapter 21 . 4/28/2012
I love this story! defiantly one of my favorites :)
Pranali chapter 2 . 4/8/2011
Sorry. Is would just like to say that if you are going to quote Shakespeare, please do it correctly. It is "deny thy father and refuse thy name"
foodie98 chapter 21 . 3/2/2011
hey! i dont usually comment much:D but THIS IS THE BEST STORY EVER! thanks for writing this:D
DLETE THIS OLD chapter 5 . 10/27/2010
Nice story so far but the thing i wanted to mention is that it's really annoying that every teacher's name is a blank. any way you can fix that?
Da-zGreen chapter 21 . 7/31/2010
Aww... What a cute ending. I loved this story! You did a FANTASTIC job! Hope to read more of your stories!
kat chapter 12 . 5/16/2010
First unplanned teenage pregnancy and then rape; two of the top five cliches. Very hard to get past.
DancingBells chapter 21 . 5/9/2010
Awesome story. And I loved Star's name. Very awesome!

There was a fair few spelling mistakes, and all of the teaches names were just a blank spot. Were they meant to be?

Also, in this chapter, when Trey says 'Mind if I sit down?' When Star says 'Yeah.' That means yes, she minds, and she doesn't want him to sit there.

Sorry, I like doing this too much. Haha.

Good luck on any other stories you write.
I Murder on Impulse chapter 21 . 3/20/2010
Very cute story!


abbsi chapter 21 . 8/15/2009
great story, just one comment... The teacher's names are missing, just a blank spot instead. Makes it confusing.
writinglover419 chapter 21 . 8/10/2009
Oh, So cute!
Counting Luv Toxic Stars chapter 8 . 5/25/2009
I like this story and the pace it's going at

It's very relaxing for some reason

Why don't you bother putting some names in? Like I've noticed

You leaving names out of sentences and having that spot completely blank

And at first I thought it was a mistake, but you did it again.

(this was towards the beginning of the story)
k chapter 2 . 4/30/2009
Again you need to edit. And you quoted Shakespeare wrong its "deny thy father and refuse thy name"
k chapter 1 . 4/30/2009
You need to do some editing. Sometimes your sentences don't make much sense. ex. paragraph about Drama teacher. You don't say her name or where she is in the room. You just have her talking all of a sudden, which is very confusing. Also you switched narration styles normally you write in 1st person but I noticed you switched to 3rd sometimes which can also be very confusing. (example part where Scalett is leaving and does not hear Trey calling her because she is too far away but I think the line should read "but I don't hear." or either you mixed up the names) I am really enjoying the story so far though!
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