Reviews for Babysitting Dramas
the.closet.writer chapter 20 . 6/20/2008

i DID think that there's a misunderstanding about scott and bridget's relationship...

HAH...i'm glad that Eden and Scott are finally together...

thanks for the great story!
N.M.E chapter 20 . 6/20/2008
AW... This was so cute! I love cliche stories! They're the best. Well...the graduation and prom were a bit rushed. You can edit that a bit. Fantastic story! Love ya!
Jevanminx chapter 20 . 6/20/2008
Hahahahaha, excellent, so glad they got back together, and a good way to do it as well. I dont think you needed to put all the prom details in there, it would of gone on to long, it was cool like this. Well Done.

chelseaa chapter 20 . 6/19/2008
it did make me happy! lol.

i love this story so much.
Izzey chapter 20 . 6/19/2008
don't change a thing about it. it's perfect the way it is. i9 can't believe it's over. aw. :( :( :( :( lol. can't wait for the epilogue
creamygirl chapter 20 . 6/19/2008
hey darl, this is great, i think that you just needed to redo the last part, cause i is kinda rushed, but other than that. lol its a great story and im soo happy they stayed together, lol. highlight of my day again, lol
R.L.Jen chapter 20 . 6/19/2008
I hope you do an epilogue. It seemed a bit rushed but not to much so I tink it's good. It kind of rounds it up like she's telling the ending of her story on her last year of school. It's nice, really and I'm glad it had a happy ending. This has been so far tied with only one other story for my fav. over all and I think you would be an amazing auther for teen books, good luck if thats what your shooting for.
boredbottom chapter 20 . 6/19/2008
AH! i can't belive its over!


thank goodness everything wa sjs7uta misuderstanding!


great job

cant wqaist for anything els eyouw wirte..
Jaina-Skylar chapter 20 . 6/19/2008
Wha-wha-what! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! No, this is not happening! I don't want the story to be over! *wha* *sniffle* Aw man... why does it have to be over? Are you planning a sequal? Or... anything else?

OOH! I LOVE HEROES! I thought the whole "Peter" thing was funny. I think Mr. Petrelli needs to take the stick out of his butt... Anyway, kudos to Ede to getting the whole "Scott Bridget" thing dealt with!

And, kudos to you! You've accomplished more than I have... I've not even finished a story... I'm hoping I can get the one I'm sending you finished.

Speaking of that, I'm getting it done, but there's a lot of descriptions that I wasn't counting on... I'm putting them in and I'm almost done!

Until next time!

geminibaby6789 chapter 20 . 6/19/2008
Thanks for the story! I really enjoyed it, thought the ending was kinda really fluffed! Anywayz, thanks for the awesome job you did! Much love! :)
Guest chapter 20 . 6/19/2008
OMG i can't believe it's done! ):

now what story will i look forward to for updates?

good job though! hahaha...i thought you were going to end it with no scott and eden together for a sec and i was like NO...but you fixed that YAY!

thanks for a great story!
geminibaby6789 chapter 19 . 6/19/2008
O! Didn't see that coming! Scotty, what are you doing? Gasp! The next one's the last chapter! Wow! That was fast. Can't wait to find out what happens! Update soon! :)
funky-gg chapter 20 . 6/19/2008
aw so sweet
silvershadow23 chapter 19 . 6/19/2008
I'm sad now.

I want to know what happens.

I'm sorry about exams tho.

I just got outta school for the summer.



More please!

- Silver
Jevanminx chapter 19 . 6/19/2008
Aw such a mean ending to that chappie, hoe could Scott mess up like that, tut tut to him I say, hehehehe. Cant wait for the next chapter to see how thing pan out.

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