Reviews for Babysitting Dramas
Inkless chapter 17 . 5/27/2008
i think that it's a relatively decent cliche.. and you were right in not making Scott have some sort of tragic flaw; this is supposed to be a lighthearted romantic comedy, am i right? oh, and by the way, i think that you're misusing semicolons and sometimes you forget to state who is speaking, instead writing a 'she said'. It can become slightly confusing, haha. in addition, you also capitalize things that do not need to be capitalized, such as 'church' or 'high school'. I tell you this because I care ] update soon!
Ola chapter 17 . 5/27/2008
it would be nice to meet luke's and josh's parents.. I wanna read how do they behave now that they accually got together is iek Eden still uncomftortable with Scott so close to her or not... Plz write more
Maybreakmyheart chapter 17 . 5/27/2008
I love Scott being perfect...:D... but I think him being a little imperfect would spice up the story...but really it's your story and it's great either way to me :D
Jevanminx chapter 17 . 5/27/2008
OMG yay. They confessed to each other, that was so so so so cute, I loved it.

funky-gg chapter 17 . 5/27/2008
that was so cool

and i like scott the way he is; please dont change him :)

i would like to see luke's parents

anyway keep up that good work!
creamygirl chapter 17 . 5/27/2008
ohh yes, im so glad that you have written more of your story, so happy. im over the moon that they have chosen to stay together, cause it wouldnt be right if the didnt, lol. i dont think you should change scott and im not sure if we should meet other parents, stick with what you have, cant wait for more. yay, soo happy ;) good job
N.M.E chapter 17 . 5/27/2008
AW...SO CUTE! Scott is the seetest person ever. So sweet! And Andi and Josh got together! Cool. Eden is as stubborn as ever. As soon as I read that part where she shouted at him I thought that they won't get together in this chaptr! Great! You can make an epilogue or something. Or you can extend it more. Anything's cool with me. But update soon!
cheeky sheep chapter 17 . 5/26/2008
Guest chapter 17 . 5/26/2008
OMG YAY! they finally told each other...god i've been waiting for that!

aw i can't wait to read about them like a real full on couple now! this is gonna be cute haha

can't wait to read on! plz update soon
Izzey chapter 17 . 5/26/2008
scott is fine the way he is. please don't change him. another awesome chapter. keep up the good work. please update asap
the.closet.writer chapter 17 . 5/26/2008

they admitted it to each other! :D

thanks for the update!

i really love it!

and to answer your question...meeting Luke's parents would be interesting...i think :D

anyways...keep on updating! :D
venetia20 chapter 17 . 5/26/2008
fantabulous, amazing, awesomeness!

my favorite chapter yet!

k on to your questions

don't make scott any less sweet or different, sure he seems too good to be true but if he changes we won't have anyone to dream about or look forward to finding and falling in love with (as sappy as that is it's true :])

i'd like to see a little sam and luke action b/c we know sam likes him but what about luke? haha ya know?

or maybe a chapter from josh and andi's point of view about their own relationship, like another chapter 17 but their point of view (if that makes any sense at all)

idk about josh and lukes parents, maybe introduce them when josh introduces andi to them as his girlfriend and the same for luke and sam hahaha hint hint ;]

hahaha i dunno, but i do know that you have crazy mad writing skills and i'll prolly cry when this story is over P

great job hun
geminibaby6789 chapter 17 . 5/26/2008
Thanks for the quick update! Aw...they're finally together! Yay! I guess I would like to meet Luke's parents. That'll be cool. But it will be more interesting to see Scott and Ede's relationship a bit more. Update soon!:)
lover or hater chapter 17 . 5/26/2008
Ok. Where to start. Its soo good. Is it over or are you going to write more. And also, wow. I mean its about time she tells her real feelings. Gosh. Lol. Update soon. Peace. ]
xoxhp chapter 17 . 5/26/2008
omg. im so jealouss! SOCUTEE.

) update soon.
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