Reviews for Babysitting Dramas
venetia20 chapter 11 . 4/27/2008
wot great chapter!

sry i haven't reviewed lately, i've become a lazy ass P

anyway, i think you're chapters are going pretty well

i know they aren't going too slow b/c if they were i would've kicked you in the head by now and shouted "hurry up already!"

hahaha jk, but seriously you're doing fine

great job
the.closet.writer chapter 11 . 4/27/2008

i LOVE this story!

i love all the characters here...

i am SO going to add this into my ALERT list...

keep on updating...please? :D
Maybreakmyheart chapter 11 . 4/26/2008
I know i've reveiwed a ton, But i LOVE your story! Thanks for updating so much :D its amazing
Jevanminx chapter 11 . 4/25/2008
Hehehehehe I loved that kiss, good way of doing it. And yep, definitly gunna be an interesting evening.

pixxidust chapter 11 . 4/25/2008
i like it :) can't wait for the next chapter!
TaurusGirl7 chapter 11 . 4/24/2008
Haha I loved the kiss scene!

It was good to finally see some action between the two of them :P

And I'm really excited for the next chapter!

It seems intense!

Update soon!
righthere431 chapter 11 . 4/24/2008
haha its fate
righthere431 chapter 10 . 4/24/2008
aw / im gonna be so sad when im a senior too /
Izzey chapter 11 . 4/24/2008
hey, awesome chapter. you cant skip a week ahead! please dont skip a week! dont speed things up, i think its great at the speed it is now, but if you wanna speed it up, obviously you're the author so i cant stop you, lol, but anywayz. awesome story, i'll be so sad when it's finished.
happy ever afterxx chapter 11 . 4/24/2008
Ooh a kiss! And I really liked this chapter :) please update again soon
JJ March chapter 11 . 4/24/2008
Yay they finally kissed!
secretslinger chapter 10 . 4/22/2008
i love your story, can't wait for the next chapeter! nikki
TaurusGirl7 chapter 10 . 4/22/2008
oh now youve got me all curious as to what will happen when they go back to school and her and scott are still 'dating'!


update soon!
superficialSagacity chapter 10 . 4/22/2008
I TOTALLY BET HE HEARD IT AND NOW HE'S GOING TO TRY AND WOO HER...! (bwahah, "woo" is such a funny word) :D

ANYWAYS, and then, while he's wooing her, she meets this other guy who starts to like her and then Scott is all jealous and stuff happens and yeah...

(PLEASE LET SOMETHING LIKE THAT HAPPEN) Of course, it's cliche, and if you're not into that kind of thing, ignore me BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! make Scott JEALOUS! It adds DRAMA!
happy ever afterxx chapter 10 . 4/22/2008
Really good update though, and I wonder what Josh heard...
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