Reviews for It Was Only a Kiss
Okay I've tried chapter 35 . 1/11/2013
I've tried to find a story that's is as good as this but I can't and it sucks..I mean you make everything so realistic and why actual people would say and feel and do and I just can't..every time I read a story I try to find something of this nature in it but I can't..people shouldn't be this good at writing :)
Live and learn chapter 35 . 1/8/2013
Sorry, but FP isnt letting me log in at the moment but I just had to review! So I've been reading this story since you started it and I've also read your other story When the Doves Cry ( love that song!) and I'm sorry I haven't reviewed until now, but I'd like to let you know that your stories are inspiring. The characters are just so real and you don't try to brush over or cover real life issues that people of color have to deal with. And I must say, while I'm writing my own stories I use yours to set the standard for a well-written story.
Congratulations on finishing! Hopefully you'll write more for us all to enjoy.
A satisfied reader
Guest chapter 35 . 1/7/2013
This is an amazing story; it's one of the best that I've ever read! I just wanted it to go on forever, but all stories must have an ending sadly to say. Please continue to write more stories when you can. Job well done!
g chapter 35 . 1/7/2013
i vote for an epilogue.
renegade01 chapter 35 . 1/8/2013
loved it ;)
bobsaysyes chapter 35 . 1/7/2013
YES OMG I can't even explain how much I have loved this story, and I just love all the characters and yeah, I can't even say to you all that I'm thinking but the most important thing for me to say is I NEED an epilogue please! You're and amazing writer and I reallyreallyreallyreally hope you decide to do another story with some of these characters ( coughcoughmissyvincecoughcou gh) like you said you were considering. Okay so yeah, I love this story and yup yup yup, continue writing :)
King and Lionheart chapter 35 . 1/7/2013
I almost screamed when I saw you had updated. I loved the chapter and I love the story. I've never been so obsessed with a story on FP. I'm sad that it's over but it was going to at some point. I hope you do an epilogue only because I feel that there are still some loose ends. I'm going to miss AJ, Judith, and of course Missy! Thank you for writing this incredible story.
Alixermixer chapter 35 . 1/7/2013
OMG LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!I absolutely loved seeing updates that you had added but to now see it all over is so sad so I really really hope that you write an epilogue to this hopefully that everything that AJ stated comes true, that he got out of the game and goes straight and makes a like with Judi. I hope there maybe more to come!
whenyoucantholdon chapter 35 . 1/6/2013
OMG THIS IS THE END?! OMG IM SO INDENIAL RIGHT NOW! I feel like crying. I'm so sad, I never wanted this to end. I got so attached to these characters, and we didn't get any Vince in this chapter, which makes me like a hundred times sadder. Oh man. I love this story so much, it was definitely my favourite an the best story on fictionpress. Every chapter was worth the wait, I'm most def going to reread it all together. PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEAAAASE post an epilogue, or two. I need the closure :(
Is it sad that I'm so sad that its the end? I just can't. Okay, I'm done being pathetic now! EPILOGUE PLEASE, FIX MY BROKEN HEART POR FAVOR!
book-geek chapter 35 . 1/6/2013
Whatt? It's over? :o noo! I want more ): haha
This was a really great story (although I don't fully understand all of it) and fuck AJ's hot!
Can't wait to read more of your stories xx
Mimimama chapter 35 . 1/6/2013
I am happy for the update but sad that it has ended. I will not have true closure without the epilogue, no pressure, but I need that last fix! LOL!
The BEST story on FP has ended and I am reaally bummed. I was stalking FP just waiting fo your updates and re-reading a million times. AJ and Judi are definately FP's MVP couple.
I will now start the stalking for FFYT. Until then, bravo and adieu!
LadyluckAJ chapter 35 . 1/6/2013
I think i just screamed so loud my family thought i was being murdered. I know you said it would end but i don't want it to...:-( Is it selfish of me to want an epilogue?
Because with that ending and how something are still left i really want to know what happens in the future with them.

Glad AJ is ok and boy oh boy did Judi lay her hands on some people...and they ALL have been in need of that ass whopping from jump, but they did come on time and with enough pain to last them.

Missy is too funny walking in on them and i loved every minute, second, word and sentence of this chapter. This story has been on rotation in my fiction must reads since you started it. I think i have read and reread this story at least 50 times (no kidding i think it has been that many times if not more). You are an amazing storyteller with a gift and you should continue to share it with the world.

This IS my favorite fiction that i have EVER read. I can actually say that anytime i read a book and there is a little girl in it, i ALWAYS think Emily!

I hope you the new year bring amazing and wonderful things for you!
Fantasque chapter 35 . 1/6/2013
First, THANK YOU for the belated Christmas present. I've mentioned before that I love this story (like a fat kid loves cake) and I couldn't stop smiling when I got the fp email.

Second, Judi FINALLY got to give Bridget what for! I completely got her reaction; hitting someone, even after they've hit you, is nerve racking and makes a pacifist feel dirty. Would it be too much to ask for that to be one of the deleted scenes? Judis rage ark with Chris was really interesting to read and I bet that'd hold true with Bridget.
Obviously, Im glad AJ was not killed (as a couple they felt a bit tragic so I was unsure how this would go) and I feel like they both deserve a happy/non- violent closing to their story. I was also psych' d that Missy made an appearance in this last chapter. Judi and Missy had such great friendship chemistry, the development of their relationship was my favorite sub plot.

Last, I just want to say thanks again for writing and completing this story. It was engrossing, entertaining and gave me tons of food for thought. If you have the time (and inspiration) in the next year please do write an epilogue; I have no idea where you might go with it, but I like the idea of seeing them in the post high school transition. They've lived and behaved like adults for so long it would be interesting to see how they deal with the- relatively- mundane issues of having to be responsible for only themselves.

I can't wait to re-read this story now that it's complete!
Stretch19 chapter 35 . 1/6/2013
So sad to see it end, but this last chapter was exactly how it was supposed to be and worth the wait. Everything was tied up neatly enough to seem final but wanting more, so I guess FFYT fills that space in its own way.
It was great to see Judi balance her violent side without straying too far from her character. I will admit my two favourite parts of the chapter were Judi's dad in the car busting out the patois without having to even look her way. That I could picture with ease and it made me laugh out loud, long and hard, just like Jared repeating Emily's big bird speech.
IWOAK is an amazing story (not my usual choice of genre) and I'm glad I clicked the link. I laughed, i loved, I've officially adopted Missy's way of life (punch them in the throat) and your story is one of the best I think I'll ever read.
Don't stop writing you have a God given talent that the world needs to see!
Guest chapter 29 . 1/1/2013
I love your long chapters and I just love this story period. I wish that it could be made into a movie. It's better than anything that I've read on fictionpress or wattpad so far. You Go Girl! Everything is kosher; believe me! Please update after chapter 34 as soon as possible. 01/2/13
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