Reviews for Illusoire
Boo26 chapter 10 . 5/5/2009
Wow, wow and wow! I stumbled across your fic in Myrika's favourites, and I absolutely love it! Please update soon! Hehe, and I hope that the next chapter continues where this one ended ;)

Freddy Teddy chapter 10 . 5/5/2009
Guest chapter 10 . 5/5/2009
thanks for the cliff-hanger :P

good writing, and I loved the UST, althought I felt that there wasn't enough of a subtle build up from the beginning of their conversation to the 'then his mouth crashed down hers' - does that make sense?

I'm not trying to bash you or anything - far from it, I loved the chapter, I just thought you should know my honest opinion.
kayoko123 chapter 10 . 5/5/2009
Oh, how sweet! He can't stop thinking about her! XD

I need to thank you for getting Myrika to write that supernatural story. It's awesome! Except that I need to try to keep the two universes separate in my head.

Thanks for writing! Good luck with your real life stuff!
Christine Paul chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
beeaauttiful ! :)

gotta love sexual frustration mixed with prejudiccee !

thanks so much, you just got me through a boat load of hw. plus CSTs are tomorrow.

update soon ladyy!
spaghetti chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
OMG intense. you have me on tenterhooks, here!
ShizerMcDougal chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
Bravo! What a fantastic story! Of course, like many other have before me, I found your story through Myrika's list of "Favorites". I'm SO very glad I happened upon it :D

I can't wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds. I will wait patiently (and excitedly too) while you continue writing out the rest :)
Sekhra chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
Yay! So happy to have a chapter so quickly! And really, what a cliff hanger to leave off on. I'm crying inside. :P

Pompano seems like a really intriguing professor. And after that discussion, I'm wondering who the witch in the back is. He sounds quite interesting.

I think I said this last time, too, but the other character I'm fascinated with is Kai. I really can't figure him out, and that is simultaneously exciting and frustrating. I imagine once Teagan gets over her absolute fear of him, she'll feel the same way. I've gathered he has a traumatic past, probably something to do with abuse (this from the "anger tied to physical violence") or maybe he has anger management issues? Or both. What am I saying, of course he has anger management issues.

Anyway, can't wait for next chapter. I'll send you good vibes so you'll have some free time to get some writing done!


Heather Feather chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
Yay! I made a fictionpress account so I can review you properly and you (hopefully, when you have no life and lots of spare time) can reply :)

This is the anonymous reviewer, Heather.

So, I just want to say before I get started that I thought about your story for a good deal last night. And I only give longer reviews to stories that I actually care about. I hope you don't take offense easily- I only write this because I love this story :D

Plot-wise, this story awesome. But I feel like character-wise and setting/description-wise it's a bit lacking. I know so little about the characters- and what I do know, you seem to contradict (though this might be explained later on). For example: 'Others' supposedly hate humans- so why would any Other deign to talk to Teagan, let alone kiss her? I feel like you got a little ahead of yourself. Unless Kai expresses his rage through kissing (which, though it would be amusing to think about, seems doubtful), I can't get past the whole Kai-and-all-Others-hates-her-guts kind of thing.

Also (continuing with characters), I feel like you haven't done much character building. Not talking about the Others is understandable (they're all grumpy anyway), but we know so little about Teagan's human friends.

The next thing isn't something I think will make the story better, but it's just something I've noted. I don't know if someone else has seen it too, so I'm sorry if I'm being redundant.

Something seems slightly off about your descriptions- whether it's because they are slightly the same, or because you overuse adjectives. I've found (upon a re-read, to make sure that I was right) that you rarely use something other than adjectives to describe reactions, etc, (this ties it with my building characters thing). The other thing that seems off is when you're describing Teagan's reactions with Kai.

For example: "Emotion leapt inside her, the base of her neck blazing. She almost couldn’t separate his feelings from her own, so instead of answering, she concentrated on banking that sweltering heat. The effort exhausted her. Finally, what seemed like a lifetime later, her pulse returned to its normal pace. She even managed to keep herself from snapping at him. "

You talk about Teagan struggling to lower her pulse and heat, and yet you hardly mentioned the rising pulse & heat in the first place. You're barely talking about her reactions to things, just how she deals with it.

I hope this was useful and that I haven't been redundant. I am still very much enjoying this story and looking forward to the next bit. I'm really looking forward to more world building (there is so much yet that you haven't explored that I want to know!).

Another thing: you've hardly mentioned the witches- most of the attention has been focused on shapeshifters. I would love to hear more about them.
terrorofthehighway chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
When is he ever going to say "Teagan" instead of half-breed?

Does Sira know of this?

Good luck for your labs.

Eagerly waiting for the update.
CATpuccino chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
I love you for updating! ;) It's getting better and better. yay!
Evenstar1389 chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
*squeezestight* Thanks for the end of sem finals titbit! I had the tingles while reading it (almost as tingly as the hunger games) and slowly read it not wanting it to end (I read it twice)

What a great Kai chapter D Though i cant figure him out, if he's super angry, or half in love with her thinking about her all the time... or maybe in a strange conflict of feelings because he knows it's not possible for a shapeshifter and a human half-beed to be together(wait till he finds out what kind of half-breed she is S)

oh and another thing that i keep forgetting to mention... I think Sira is her shapeshifter half sister from her mysterious father XD
Klianie Janiko chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
Yay, some action finally! I had the feeling that the students were failing to lead the discussion in the way the teacher wanted to. I can't wait to find out more about their society. I like the link between the fairy tales that we know and the "truth" in their story. And I'm curious about the power soulmates can have over each other. Please update soon! (though I do understand if you have assignments)
growing-up chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
Ooh yay, Hes kissed her.

We all knew it was coming, but wow.

This is still incredibly brilliant, and im getting more and more intrigued with every chapter.

Goodluck with your labs!
literately.blonde chapter 10 . 5/4/2009
This is, without a doubt, one of the best stories I've ever read on Fictionpress. And I've read a LOT of stories! I can't help but be constantly amazed by your writing. I'll be on my toes waiting for the next chapter
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