Reviews for Illusoire
heavengurl899 chapter 4 . 3/10/2009
oh I like this chapter haha so much intense drama!
heavengurl899 chapter 3 . 3/10/2009
haha I grow ever more curious to what her unique quality is... by the way what is up with her hair
heavengurl899 chapter 2 . 3/10/2009
haha this chapter was much less confusing than the first :D
heavengurl899 chapter 1 . 3/10/2009
this is a very interesting start. Somewhat confusing at times because you either explained it poorly or failed to explain the scene but I really like the setup you have here.
alwaysautumn chapter 8 . 3/10/2009
hey! I started reading this story a few weeks ago and I thought it was awesome :) I really like characters/world you've made- they are really unusal, it's realy interesting reading about them! The whole separations of classes and races is also quite unique it adds another element to your story! So this chapter~ YAY we learnt a little bit of what Kai was thinking and the answer Tegan just found in the knowlegde stone... it AWESOME :D~ ah it's getting really interesting! I want to know more! So yeah~ awesome work, can't wait for your updates!
bluetinkerbell chapter 8 . 3/8/2009
yay :D

SOULMATES! hahaha i'm having too much fun with this. and cian...have to say, i prefer kai the whole soulmates thing...
Lauranthalsala chapter 8 . 3/8/2009
haha, two months would have been worth it for your work-but in any case, i'm ecstatic that you updated so fast this time :))
fairy-catcher chapter 8 . 3/8/2009
Woah! Update soon? It's really really interesting :D
Lily Llynn chapter 8 . 3/7/2009
Okay so I was lazy and I didn't feel like delving into supernatural when you first started writing this, but reading Gravity intrigued me (I had no idea it had to do with this). Thus, I suspected Teagan was a hybrid long before you told us, and I think thanks to Gravity we all know who her father is (or maybe not).

I was wondering when the soulmates thing would come in, ahaha. And I think this is going at a nice pace, though I'm scared that since you took a year to complete 8 chapters, this might be the continued pace (and at that rate, this would be a 3 or more year story, in my estimate).

Rereading Gravity has me asking a lot of questions (though I know you won't answer). So just to clarify: Siobhan and Riven are on Council? I know Riven still is, but is Siobhan still on it as well?

Also, I'm a little confused at the color of Teagan's hair (what exactly it's supposed to be). Other than all this, I LOVE THIS and you really must update soon. (:
cherrypiesizzle chapter 2 . 3/7/2009
This story is so...wonderful. I'm a supernatural/fantasy/scifi junkie but there are almost literally no good stories online of that genre. So I'm so freaking happy I found this. I'm already leaning forward in my seat in anticipation.
SassyGrl chapter 8 . 3/6/2009
Great story! Hope she ends up with Kai b/c hes hot! :)
ess3sandra chapter 8 . 3/6/2009
wow, so now she knows. but her man will be a hard person to acually love. hes to full of hate. sao its not common with having a soulmate in your story?
antiKATsta chapter 8 . 3/5/2009
wow you are fantastic! I really enjoy this - like the hierarchy in the social system and how Teagan is the unknown and outsider. There's so many things to look forward to in this fic!

What do the shapeshifters look like exactly? I know you described them but i can't really imagine them actually eating humans.

And to put dangerous Kai with the underestimated Teagan is hotness loll!

Looking forward to next chap!
TheDarkScribe chapter 8 . 3/5/2009
Fear blossomed in her as she realized that he could feel her just as strongly as she could feel him. - Oh crap! Is he going to be able to tell what she really is? That would be a problem... Hmm, maybe that's where the spell she has yet to cast comes in? Reading on ...

“What are you?” he snarled. - Oh crap, again. LOL

Whoo, Sira. Way to break it up. She's a bad-ass.

Oh man, is she going to have to sense Kai all the time now? That would be awfully distracting. :-P

“Thanks for not eating us.” - Hahahaha.

Her mother had given her the perfect cover. - Oh, tricky tricky! Her mom and Sira are totally working together. Intuition, my ass!

The bag fell as afterthought on her bed. - as *an* afterthought.

“You are a bad influence, Teagan Calder. Because if you’re studying, that means I should, too.” - LOL

Oh, soulmates, finally. It's getting good! I can't wait to see what she does about it, and how Sira and her mom are connected (I know they are! Don't lie! lol).
chic rebel chapter 8 . 3/5/2009
ah, im really excited for the next chapter now. i cant wait to see how the concept of soulmates works. :)
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