Reviews for Illusoire |
TinuvielDork chapter 8 . 3/3/2009 Hello! I just found this story a few days ago and I must say, I quite enjoy it. I love the world you've created here. Teagan is fantastic, and I'm enjoying the dynamic with Kai. (Although I won't lie, whenever I see the word "kai" I think of the Jungle Book.) And Sira, of course. I can't wait for more! Tin |
Le Meg chapter 8 . 3/3/2009 The knowledge stone is an awesome idea. It reminds me of the orbs in Lord of the Rings a little bit; different kind of knowledge, maybe. The other thing I like about this so far is how much her mother's personality comes out through Teagan's memories and thoughts of her, despite the fact that we've never actually met Siobhan. She clearly loves her daughter, for one, and I'd be very interested to see how she takes this business with Sira and Kai, whenever she finds out about it all. Speaking of Kai. YES. Great description of the awareness, the connection between them. I'm guessing it was the blood. His anger following the realization that the awareness wasn't going away made me cackle a little. This is going to be fun. :D |
tffny012 chapter 8 . 3/3/2009 super happy you updated! I am so excited to see what develops between teagan and Kai! |
the.queenie.bee chapter 1 . 3/3/2009 I enjoy reading this story; it's really interesting. Update soon! |
nagasasu chapter 8 . 3/3/2009 I was quite ecstatic when I realized you'd updated! Lots of intriguing action; Sira's mysterious agendaa, Kai suspecting her of being half-shifter, and soulmates of course. I rather like how Avery was reticent to thank Sira. It took me a bit to understand the significance of Teagan's mother sending the necklace, but I got it after I kept reading. Looking forward to next chapter! |
MZ PEACHESZZ chapter 8 . 3/3/2009 ah, this story makes my day. And I really like Kai even though he's a bigoted, elitist, spoiled, narrow-minded bastard. Love him! and Soulmates! UPDATE SOON! GEEZ, i love this story. And the two week update was better...let's see if we can get it to 1 week? |
cloverluck11 chapter 8 . 3/3/2009 i love the idea of a knowledge stone! very interesting... i also can't wait to see what Teagan's reaction to her new finding is ] |
biohazard chapter 7 . 3/2/2009 update soon! |
MaddyPaddy chapter 7 . 3/1/2009 I have to say that I've strated this story three times, because it's so good and also so short :D I keep hoping that if I check it again it'll have about 20 chapters and I can really enjoy it, but that hasn't happened thus far :D But I keep hoping :D I hope you'll update soon :) |
Deleted37 chapter 7 . 2/28/2009 This is such an original idea for a story, and I'm already impatient for the next installment. Your writing is excellent, and I'm especially interested in the descriptions of magic and Teagan's way of sensing it. Some of it is quite poetic (in a good way). The characters are intriguing and well-fleshed, and I'm enjoying trying to figure out just what you have in plan for the plot. I especially like what you've done with the setting, in deciding to include witches and shifters and then following their co-existance with humans through to its logical conclusion: discrimination. It gives the story a complex, realistic, and nicely tense backdrop for the plot, and I can't wait to see where you go with. I would also be really interested in learning more about human-Other relations in general; the history of the human-rights movement, the social structure in the days before the movement, the reasons for even the small concessions to equality the Others have already made (I mean, if they're so all-powerful, why even pretend to treat humans equally? I'd love to learn the history of it). Hopefully they'll cover some of this in the political science class, at least? I don't have much to offer in the way of advice, unless you want ideas for any of the history (sorry-I'm a total nerd, I know). Mostly to be wary of making Teagan any more special than she is now; at the moment, she's just kickbutt awesome, not Mary-Sue, but she could head into that territory if you're not careful. The same goes for most of the characters. And, ah, please keep up the good work-I'm loving it. Cheers, ~SA |
Written chapter 2 . 2/28/2009 hey :) sorry for reading once every five months haha. I really like this though. I did have to reread the first chapter to refresh my memory, but yeah, its cool how intense everything is even at the very beginning. love it, and I can't wait to see what happens next. |
allthatmelodrama chapter 7 . 2/27/2009 I love this story - it's so interesting & has such an original plotline. So, you left it at a cliffhanger :( Now I really want to know what happens. And Avery? :) |
mafia chapter 7 . 2/26/2009 haha, i love it! cant wait for the next chapter. |
sara chapter 7 . 2/26/2009 oh my gosh! this story is amazing. I have never read anything like this. You are brilliant. Update soon! You left us on a terrible cliffhanger :[ I'm dying on anticipation here! -sara |
50percentjuice chapter 7 . 2/25/2009 why does part of you hate this chapter? I think if i hate it, it's because it's SUCH A CLIFFHANGER. GAR. well I await your next chapter...or story. I still think you should not listen to everybody and just start your story to get it out of your system. Trust me. :) |