Reviews for Illusoire
But But But chapter 7 . 2/24/2009
It would just be too cruel to leave you fans with a cliff hanger for months. Please update soon. For every day you don't, God kills a kitten.

OH yes, I went there.
norma chapter 7 . 2/21/2009
i wanna know what animal she's half of!

OMG i so hope you update soon. that was awesome. i feel like some parts are a little abrupt/ melodramatic but overall the chapter was great.
TheDarkScribe chapter 7 . 2/21/2009
Sira’s eyes were emotionless, but her lips peeled back to show a sharp set of teeth. “I promise not to eat her.” - This made me laugh for some reason. :-) I like that whole scene with Sira, Avery and Teagan, and how Avery is so protective.

That secretive look crept over Sira’s face again, the one that said she knew something no one else did. “You will.” - Oh, she's totally talking about Kai! I know it! lol

Now I want to know why Avery is in danger. Grr, I hate waiting. ;-)

No one insulted her mother. She slapped him. Hard. - Oh man. Best. Moment. Ever!

Part of me hates this chapter, and part of me is cackling evilly. Right now the cackling is winning. - I'd yell at you for that, but I'd be doing the same thing if I'd written that part. ;-) Hell, I *did* do the same thing, on my own story just last week! Hah!

More! :-D
Maiia A chapter 7 . 2/20/2009
Avery! She's in trouble? How? What? When? Where? Definitely didn't see that one coming! & Why would Sira want anything to do with a human? Unless Avery is one of the others' soul mate... a dangerous vicious other... maybe? lol... But even if she were why would Sira care? & Teagan & Kai are soul mates aren't they? far too much interaction to just be a "coincidence"... right? lol... & ow old are the characters? I cant remember if you had the ages in previous chapters or not... I know its hard to know the others ages... but maybe a guesstimate? lol... & why did Kai let Teagan get away with talking to him like that in class? & why are the others so violent? I mean he his literally tearing into Teagans' arm and dragged her over a table by said appendage... hostile much? & when are we gonna hear what Sira knows that Tea would be interested in? & when are we gonna get some info on the whole soul mate part of it... Ugh! So many questions! & not enough answers! lol... loving the story though! Very original! Please update soon... I'm dying to know what happens :-)
Holy Catty chapter 7 . 2/20/2009
Impressive. I like this ch. I have a question. Does Kai know that T. is not a half breed? chapter 7 . 2/19/2009
I love you. Updated! And two chapters since I last read it! Imagine my surprise. Hopefully your magic won't wear thin and you'll continue updating!

As for the short story you want? Sure, work on it. Just leave a few notes to let us know you're still determined to finish this, kay? [And two sequels? So this is a trilogy? Whao]

And I'm telling you, Kai is amazing. Totally voting for you in the Skow.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/19/2009
yay! action :D

...well i guess you can call it action ?

haha really liked this chapter...I think i say that about every chapter lol. well i guess I can say i like the new chapter even more each time... i only wish it was longer :] but doesn't everyone
Freddy Teddy chapter 7 . 2/19/2009
update update soon! pwease!
BloodyAutumnKisses chapter 7 . 2/19/2009
Wow, that was so amazing. I cannot wait to see what happens next. I'm really hoping we'll be getting to see Kai get his butt kicked by Teagan soon. Keep up the great work!
Rhinriael Blaze chapter 7 . 2/19/2009
Yay! Stuff is happening!

Hm. I can't think of a single reason why Sira would be interested in Avery. Does it have anything to do with how down Avery's been feeling lately, like the exhaustion and stuff? Hm...

So, going to the summary you use for Illusoire, is Kai Tea's soulmate? That's kinda funny, if he is. Agh! He's so bigoted, though!
Scribbling Death chapter 7 . 2/19/2009
Oh, the agony I must endure while waiting for the next chapter. Tears fell when I read, "Her vision went black." and saw the line that ended this update.

All jokes aside, this was a great chapter. The chemistry between Kai and Teagan, the mysterious comments from Sira, and the issue with Avery all just added to the chapter. They seem to be connected but separate issues all at the same time (or maybe that's just because my mind is dead from studying and the late time). When Kai and Teagan began discussing, I sat at the edge of my seat; when she slapped him, I was already looking for the reaction and scrolling down. Does the blood thing have something to do with the soulmates mentioned in the summary? What is up with Sira protecting Avery? What will happen next between Kai and Teagan-will he find out she's a hybrid, not a half breed? All those questions are revolving around in my head, and I can't wait until the answers are revealed. Moving plot lines are definitely fantastic.

There is one thing I'm curious about-Teagan seemed to hurt Kai quite easily, if he bleeds because of a single slap. I had thought that shapeshifters were much stronger and harder to injure than normal humans, or even witches. Is the reason Kai bleeds because Teagan accidentally showed some of her hybrid strength, or is Kai's skin just as vulnerable as a regular human when he's in human form?

I definitely enjoyed this chapter and cannot wait for the next one, even if it takes months (though, hopefully, it will not). Hope to see the title Illusoire in my inbox soon-

-Scribbling Death
WhamBamThankYouMam chapter 7 . 2/18/2009
Now that's not fair. Giving us a cliffhanger like that and then leaving us hanging with the warning not to expect an update for a while.

I have to say I am still loving Kai. Particularly now that he's overtaken Mac and Alex in your mind and forcing you to write him instead.

Please try to update soon?
laney chapter 7 . 2/18/2009
So yeah I gotta admit I am getting used to the speedy are spoiling us! And then you torture us by leaving a cliff hanger. Obviously the only solution is to crank out the next chapter in record time :) BTW kudos on another wonderful chapter!
myl chapter 7 . 2/18/2009
I'm all for that slap
bluetinkerbell chapter 7 . 2/18/2009

I love Sira's character. She's so mysterious but deadly haha..

And Kai and Tea are awesome...The magic you describe is so well-crafted...that sentence made no sense.

Update when you can :D

...and yes, no one insults the mother hehe
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