Reviews for Illusoire
Kuyeng13 chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
-is sad it's gone-

I really did love it, if it does get published I'd love to read more.

Redded chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
Ugh, I'm really annoyed at how plagerism is keeping so many good authors from writing on fictionpress. I wish there was a way to crack down on it. At this rate, only rubbish will be left to read. :/ I'm disappointed-you left the story at quite a cliffhanger.

Well, it's alright. You'll just have to get published then! ;) I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for your novels.
Mali Steelwing chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
Good luck. I'll keep an eye out for it in the bookstores. But, just in case, if it doesn't get published, what will you do with it?
chic rebel chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
i'm sad to see your story go, but i understand why you're doing it. i hope when you finally do get this story published, you'll somehow get the word out because i would love to see what happens to the characters. :) good luck.
CeruleanTwilight chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
Like many other of your readers I am completely heartbroken at your decision to stop posting. But then again your reasons are 100% justified. It feels like the Midnight Sun debacle all over again... I hope that the people responsible understand the full consequences of their actions, to the authors and their fans. I wish you all the best in whatever you go on to do and thank you for your stories :)
TinuvielDork chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
I'm sad to hear you'll no longer be posting on fictionpress, but I understand why you're doing it. I only found your stories a little bit ago, and was enjoying them greatly. You have a lot of talent and I hope to see you published sometime in the future! If you ever do get published, please let your fp fans know so we can go support you!

Best of luck with your future writings,

alineofprose chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
I was actually rather worried this was going to happen every since the thing with Myrika did. I'm quite tempted to find the people that did all this and run them through with scalpels, but I might just get into a bit of trouble.

I'm glad that you'll keep writing. I just hope that one day I'll be able to go and grab one of your books off the shelf and have something tangible in my hands. You've got a way with words and your plots are magnificent. (Please, please, please leave your one-shots up on Fictionpress!)

Good luck!

greyes chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
It's really sad for all of us readers, but I can understand your decision to protect your writing. I'm sure that once you finish writing and editing Illusoire, you will find a way to publish it. Not only is your writing fantastic, but there's a huge need for supernatural novels ever since the "Twilight phenonmenon". It would be wonderful if you could continue giving us updates on the progress of the book in the future. The title could change and years from now I'd be in a bookstore and pass over it, not even knowing it was yours! It has been wonderful reading and reviewing this book, and I wish you all the best in the future.

antiKATsta chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
oh no..i was looking forward to another chapter of Illu :(

I do understand why you're doing this though and it's a shame fictionpress is losing another great writer like Myrika.

I do hope you're successful in the future and i don't agree with qwerty - you're an amazing writer.

good luck and enjoy your writing!

quotata chapter 11 . 5/24/2009
I was so excited when I saw the story alert in my inbox. To find that you, like Myrika, are removing your stories is devastating.

I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for the tension between Teagan and Kai to settle. And although my imagination will take me down the various paths they could take, it'll never compared to the story you would have created.

Thanks for being a great excuse to not study during my school years. Best of luck!
Guest chapter 10 . 5/23/2009
Where have all the chapters gone? O_O Have you decided to remove it, or re-do it or something? It was very good anyway, I was eagerly awaiting an update! *is sad* Hope your going to upload chapters again...
E X H I B I T I O N I S T chapter 10 . 5/21/2009
So, I've only begun reading your story and I have to say that you've left me agonizingly speehcless except for the words "Oh my god - Update now!"


I love this story and where it's heading so please update as soon as possible.

Lesley chapter 10 . 5/21/2009
Hey, I just read this story for the first time and I absolutely adore it! It had me hooked from the first time I started reading it.

I know that the recent string of plagiarism has affected multiple authors on this site, but I sincerely hope that you continue to post this story. It would be a real shame if ALL the good authors here lost their faith in Fictionpress. :) Even so, I will understand any decision that you make.

I hope (desperately) to see an update from you soon!

ArtsyTartsy86 chapter 10 . 5/20/2009
I'm here right now on completely selfish reasons to beg that you continue this story. I do however completely understand if you choose to take this one down. I just came from Myrika's page and saw that she has decided not to post and then I saw that you had taken down "Letters to You" and I respect that because it hurts when you think of what some are capable of. So as I said completely selfish right now because I'm asking you to continue posting even with the threat of plagiarism, which I shouldn’t do. I’m going to shoot myself for saying this, but you probably should take this story down and make us wait until it’s been published to read it.

As you can see the artist within me is fighting a battle with itself. I’m not sure that there is a right answer here, or a wrong one for that matter. I think there are a lot of outside factors that need to play into your decision, and you’ve made that choice with “Letters to You”.

I absolutely adore “Illusoire”. I’ve really connected with Teagan and while there are times I want to smack her I adore her in the same moment. I want to see this story play out. I want to see how Kai deals with being Teagan’s soulmate. I want to know how Avery is connected to Sira. There are so many questions that I want answered and it’s killing me.

Again you see my selfishness coming out. You’re pretty mush hearing the inner workings of my head, which can be a very scary place. I wish you the best of luck with your writing and dearly hope that you continue this story, but I understand if you don’t. I may cry a little, but I understand.
jane chapter 10 . 5/20/2009
I'm quite saddened by the fact that all my favorite writers on FictionPress are taking their stories down! This might be a sign that I should be focusing on school instead of checking for updates everyday. Heh. But I understand with the fact that the Internet is prowling with unimaginative, uncreative people who resort to stealing others stories instead of writing their own. Seriously, society has taken a dip like our damn economy. I'm sorry you have to go through this awful ordeal! I hope you don't take this story down either! I don't find alot of good stories like this anymore and I'm absolutely in love with this one! Please update. And good luck with getting your work published!
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