Reviews for Helga
Lola Summer chapter 1 . 4/6/2008
Not bad. It definately put a smile on my face. The dream was a very nice twist.
akb-inactive chapter 1 . 4/6/2008
Wow, I really liked this piece. It's like, you didn't delve into her thoughts, but at the same time, we just sort of felt what she felt as the story progressed. Also, I like how the dream ended!

[She remembered focusing on a patch of grass before she blacked out.]

Hahaha! Just a very nice line to add there.

Nice piece. Helga was a wonderful, believable character. :)
pandorka42 chapter 1 . 4/6/2008
Awe. It's cute and I like it!

But it's in the wrong section. You've got it in supernatural when it should be in General or Young Adult. Supernatural is for things like vampires and such.
Tranquil Thorns chapter 1 . 4/6/2008
Great story. (: I was drawn in because you mentioned Kafka, and I wasn't disappointed.

I liked Helga's character; she's flawed and believable, and I felt sorry for her when she couldn't find a dress and when she was being made fun of. The latter surprised me a little, though. Aren't high school seniors a little too old to taunt others because of physical appearances? Maybe it's just my school.

Either way, like I said, I believed in her.

The dream was a nice twist, too. I like how it led to a good ending, and maybe Helga finally thinking better about herself.

A few suggestions:

'Bewildered, but yet at the same time, also feeling slightly excited' - I'd take out the comma after 'time'.

'The only problem was that the zipper that couldn't zip quite' - did you mean 'the only problem was the zipper'?

Overall, great work!