Reviews for Caramel Macchiato
lovelygracey chapter 13 . 1/29/2015
hmmm not satisfied with this ending. a weak way to close it I think. and with the way you set the story up the entire time, I was waiting for something big to happen. nothing really happened. to be completely honest, i'm really disappointed with this ending.

lovelygracey chapter 3 . 1/29/2015
this is adorable
FlowersBite chapter 13 . 6/9/2014
great story !
allancaldera chapter 13 . 4/6/2014
I hope they continĂșe being a couple as they are both too cute together. Cute and humorous story.
miyabita yami chapter 13 . 1/8/2013
BlackFrost123 chapter 13 . 12/27/2012
...Wow, how much coffee did you drink? I think I'm going to drink some too! It's like, I'm going to have a mind full of rainbows and unicorns. But, rainbows and unicorns are too girly, and I don't want anymore contact with a unicorn other than in my bed...

Well, anyway, I'm going to drink coffee, the one named Kopiccino or something like that, 'cause it doesn't taste bad and it tastes like chocolate! Wait, why am I rambling? Mango infected me with icky Mango germs!

I'm still giggling... I blame you for this.

Anyway, yeah, I guess leaving your readers in a cliff-hanger is the best way to end a story rather than prolonging it because that would just be boring, and a boring story is sooooo BORING. Well, I really like Mango's ramblings though, it makes up a lot of the chapters anyway. And your writing, I really like it! Even though it's random rambling! Hooray, randomness! YEEEEEEEEY!

...but I still don't like cliff-hangers.
GrimNight chapter 13 . 12/21/2012
Great story, read it all in one sitting but am slightly confused. iin the first chapter Mango was 17 and had blue hair but by the end he was 18 ( with no mention of a birthday ) and had pink hair (with no mention of dying it) but other than that i really enjoyed this story Mango was hilarius
SmileyfaceGurl chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
I laughed my ass of when I read this. I'm in love with mango.
TheMusicIsEnough chapter 13 . 4/14/2012
OMG I can't believe how freaking hilarious this story is! I just LOVE it to bits! Mango is just awesome and who couldn't love Tuesday? Such a great story, well done! :D
Don'tStopMeNow chapter 12 . 4/13/2012
My other review just cut off. O_O

But anyways, I loved the beginning and how the story was progressing, but the ending seemed a little lacking to me. I think it was because I was really hoping for more about Mango and Tuesday's love. :)
Don'tStopMeNow chapter 13 . 4/13/2012
I have to say I freaked out when I saw the summary and I couldn't wait to read it. There were many times when I blushed and kept saying oh my god, how embarrassing.
falling-into-fate chapter 13 . 1/5/2012
Aw, that was really cute. I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for writing this delicious story. Yum.
falling-into-fate chapter 3 . 1/5/2012
LOLOMG. That ending. Lmao it made me burst out laughing. Nice! xD

I love this so far!
lost in pale blue chapter 13 . 7/13/2011
Finally! They are completely adorable and I'm glad they're finally on the same page :)
lost in pale blue chapter 10 . 7/13/2011
I know this story is now three years old, and I'm loving it, but a couple things confused me. This chapter, Mango mentions his hair being pink, but in the rest of the fic it's been blue. Also, in the previous chapter, he mentioned being a bottom, but earlier in the fic, he said he was a top.

Anyway, love both of them and look forward to them finally getting together.
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