Reviews for Craving Him
daeth chapter 16 . 2/20/2009
A update, the day after i reviewed, i'll let you hold me to my promise then, every chapter ill review. Keep up the good work please.
daeth chapter 15 . 2/19/2009
Oh the drama, update please, if you do ill review again.
ChristianAngel01 chapter 15 . 2/18/2009
OMG that is great that she finally admit that she loved him and she is going to tell him but that shocked me.. why in all that is sane in the world is he kissing another girl! Is he out of his mind!

ohh he can forget her loving him now hmph she will find ways to kill him man I want to know why is he kissing another girl! Great chapter :D
darkgurl92 chapter 15 . 2/17/2009
OMG...u have to update soon..

why is logan kissing the other girl..what..i dont get it

and why are there clothes in the room..

update ...need some answers..
xXSaraphine-DominoXx chapter 2 . 2/17/2009
PLEASE UPDATE SOON! You left us with a total cliffhanger! *GASP* Dont kill us with the anticipation...(Puppy dog face)
sunshinegirl206 chapter 15 . 2/17/2009
The ending was a shock it came out of no where. I LOVED IT! I'm DYING to read more!
cajun-cuteness chapter 15 . 2/16/2009

I love the suspense in this chapter, but you could've dragged out the part where she sees him kissing another girl a bit more..
blackrule chapter 1 . 2/16/2009
I just wanted to point out before I went any further, your use of 'where' is wrong. Where is used when asking 'Where is my hat' or something like that basically it asks the location of something. Whereas 'were' is used as in 'My bed and dresser were pushed to the wall'. I hope you understand what I mean. Also another problem I noticed was that there were a couple words misspelled in the begining of the chapter, for that you could probably just run it through a spell check, and some of your sentances are run on. They need to be shortened to give a complete thought. Either way though, Keep up the good writing :)
lyssa-dear chapter 15 . 2/15/2009
I love this story! I love how she finally loves him, but something is in the way. Major cliffy! update soon please.
Fallen4ever chapter 15 . 2/13/2009
OH god story...You are an awesome writer...
leemya chapter 15 . 2/12/2009
Hi, great story! Hope you continue writing.
midnight84118 chapter 15 . 2/12/2009
thats sad i would be pissed off if i was her i hate guys like that
hehawhehawhesawhesaw chapter 15 . 2/11/2009
i no that the scene isnt cuz logan is a beeper. and that there is an explanation.

Cant wait 2 read more. update soon! like today!
thatsnotmyname chapter 15 . 2/11/2009

please update. you are amazing.
Raycheld84 chapter 15 . 2/11/2009
Wow, this was pretty good, I just read all of your chapters in one sitting. Sometimes your sentences are confusing because it seems like you are combining them.

Also, what's with the cliff hanger? Lol, I need an update soon! you are making me seriously dislike logan, lol
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