Reviews for To Make a Scene
Izzey chapter 21 . 1/23/2009
aw. that's sweet. awesome chapter. i can't believe it's over. well, it was fantastic while it lasted. good job.
KatieTheWriter chapter 3 . 1/23/2009
This needs to be edited: Instead I just grabbed the cars out of the ignition and started unlocking the door.

I think you meant I just grabbed the keys. LOL.

I liked this chapter. It was so sweet. And she needs to realize that Michael likes her and to stop being so dense. That is all.

Love it!
KatieTheWriter chapter 2 . 1/23/2009
This was a good addition to the introduction. However, I found it just a bit odd that Cale had the DVD from middle school on him. That was random, who would just carry that around at all times? LOL. But I still liked it. Maybe just have him threatening her instead of actually having the DVD on him?

Haha, but I loved how she got that Lisa girl back. And I like her new friends, especially Nicole, she's so chipper all the time.

Michael sounds like a good match for Holly. :)

Great job!

Essevera chapter 22 . 1/23/2009
haha i think it was a bit of a cory ending, but i love the couple regardless. gotta say i really loved the chemistry between holly and michael. :) kudos! congrats on finishing your first story
KatieTheWriter chapter 1 . 1/23/2009
I like your style of writing. This is definitely interesting so far, and I'm intrigued to read on.
Tasha Mandaire chapter 20 . 1/17/2009
Sad it had to come to the end...great job. Love the story from beginning to end. Still will be one of my favourites. You write really well so keep up the good work! yours truly,

forever.ephemeral chapter 20 . 1/10/2009 i love this story so much! sorry that i haven't written reviews for all of the other chapters, i was just so excited to click the button for the next chapter. [so excited that i've read all 20 chapters in 2 days...sounds like a long time but i had to do it secretly since my parents think i'm doing hw...haha...]

this scene was my fave. second favorite scene was the lost kid in the park. hilarious. XD
Jen chapter 20 . 1/9/2009
I totally love this last chapter. They are finally together!Yaya!
Number One Dancing Queen chapter 20 . 1/9/2009
I love them both glad there finally together. Update ASAP!

I know what you mean about the hw. I hate it.
claireponcherrii chapter 20 . 1/8/2009
This... is amazing. I feel so warm and fuzzy inside :)
ties.are.great.belts chapter 20 . 1/8/2009
I'm so sad that it'as over! Such a great amazing story... :] I'm glad yo uwrote it and im glad I read it. and no, it was NOT over done in any way and Ill be waiting for the epilogue. Oh, and I got homework in all of my subjects the first day back :]
Jevanminx chapter 20 . 1/8/2009
Fluffy yes, but adorable nonetheless. Can't wait for the epilogue.

IHateMyLoveLife chapter 20 . 1/8/2009
(sniffs) It's over. This was a really good story. The sappy ending is kinda a 180 of the beginning. Endings always suck because you don't want things to end, but 'all good things must come to an end.'
MarloCarlo10 chapter 20 . 1/7/2009
loved it!
Kicon chapter 20 . 1/7/2009! I can't believe this story is over! It makes me sad in a way...but really happy that they ended up together! This story is amazing and I really, truly love it.

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