Reviews for His Slave
cratermaker chapter 31 . 2/3/2010
-weeping tears of joy- I am so happy to have read such a wonderfully written and beautiful story... TTwTT Thank you for allowing me to have an opportunity to witness such a compelling and provoking tale. I was not disappointed. -bows- Thank you, thank you. TTwTT
YamiTenshiKoi chapter 31 . 1/22/2010
Oh, this story was very good _ I like the ending, though it leaves a lot to the imagination. This was very well written and had a great plot. My sister read it and recommended it so I've been trying to finish it for weeks.


mela chapter 9 . 1/15/2010
I don't like the way you seem to view rape. Otherwise this would be an interesting story.
insanityrunsinthefamily chapter 31 . 11/25/2009
write more PLEASE!
LondonCallingx chapter 5 . 9/16/2009
A peculiar story
lastkissb8 chapter 31 . 9/16/2009
Fabulous story, Trent was so adorable. The ending really was a happy one ]Well written and a cute pairing 5/5
CinderellaWithCombatBoots chapter 31 . 8/1/2009
Ok. I think this might be a long review. I just loved the story! I don't think there's a part when I thought that I should click the little cross. Which is unusual. Usually even good stories have their crappy moments. So. I guess this story is great. Haha. But really, it's awesome. I loved the way that it wasn't the whole 'love at first sight' thing and that it took a while. And that's another thing. You managed to change their views without it being so painstakingly obvious. Usually it's just painful, haha. But you managed great. Other than that, I swear I actually was crying the second-to-last chapter. I mean, only a couple tears but still! It was a well written chapter. Oh! Wait. I just remembered the tiniest detail I didn't like (I'm just SUCH a positive person, haha) is when the confrontation happened between Travis and Gavin. I loved it all but I wanted Gavin to hit Travis or something and leave a mark on him, just to see what Scott would do then. I mean, he demoted him just because he stepped on his hand and grabbed him by the hair, so if he'd actually left a mark on SCOTT'S slave. Aren't I just a bundle of happy energy, haha. Just kidding. I swear I'm not always like this. It’s just for this whole review so far I’ve been trying to find something I didn’t actually like, so I was a bit…over-excited. But other than that, I loved it all. In a completely cruel and sadistic sense, Scott’s last words to his father were…how can I say this without coming across as sick? I don’t know how. But I liked them. Oh my god. I feel dirty. Anyways. I loved this story. And I have to go. Duty calls. Saving lives. Superman to the rescue and all. I just lied. I don’t save anyone’s life any day. But I do have to go. Now. So. Bye ;]
honey splattered brains chapter 14 . 7/23/2009
NO SCOT. D: i have this like weight at the bottom of my stomach that brings water to my eyes. ): noo. he does want you. HE JUST DOESNT KNOW IT YET. _
shyd1 chapter 31 . 7/20/2009

Brilliant ending! I didn't think the romance would actually work, but by the end I totally felt it!
inactive profile chapter 31 . 6/5/2009
The way it is written sometimes makes this story disjointed, and sometimes there are things inadequately explained. I think you should try more conventional writing. At the same time, I enjoyed this story, and read it to the end. Thank you.
AlwaysTheNegativeOptimist chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
AH! I read this story a long time ago! I loved it! D

and now i can add it to my account! yay-ness!
shhsilence chapter 28 . 5/6/2009
not to sure why- but you changed Scott's name to Sebastian a couple times towards the end ...
Kannao chapter 5 . 4/25/2009
theres not enough dialouge,and it get repititious, i liked the story, but its dragging
Cafebookworm chapter 31 . 4/6/2009
I sat down and read this story all the way through in a few hours...and I thought it was wonderful, great job :)
The Falconer chapter 2 . 3/15/2009
The constant change in perspective is confusing, but otherwise great start! I'm really excited to read the rest of this story.
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