Reviews for Fire walk with me
Non-existent Puritanism chapter 1 . 12/18/2003
Oh I didn't really follow everything, but this was a very nice poem. Flowed well, great poem to say out loud. Good job!
km lowe chapter 1 . 4/19/2001
O.o THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY A JOB WELL DONE! no, really! okae, now i hav another fav. poem! *cheers* really made it good! hav u tried entering that in a contest? i think you could win! and im not wondeirng why this poem is ur fav._~ i liek the content too_ got any other poems? send em' to me! i'd love to read them! guess yo can say i like reading poems...i'd like to write a very good one too, but then i suck...oh well...
bethann chapter 1 . 4/12/2001
have you ever been near a bonfire in the pitch black and the smoke rises like some dragon and soon you see knights and horses and ladys dancing in dresses made of silk? your poem makes me think of that