Reviews for The Shed
heal me forever chapter 4 . 11/11/2012
dat was awesum
HeadOverHeelsInHate chapter 4 . 10/4/2012
AWWW! Amazing! They're so fridging cute! I love how they're awkward kids but so comfortable together! Love it!
SwimmingThroughExistance chapter 4 . 1/10/2012
i loved this! very good writing, as ususal... though i think you already know that:)
je-kay24 chapter 1 . 7/16/2011
Brown-Eyed Chocoholic chapter 4 . 3/31/2011
What a cliche!

Guess what? I love cliches!

This is such a cute and awesome story. I love it when best friends fall in love.

So cheesy. :) I kept smiling while reading this.
Brown-Eyed Chocoholic chapter 2 . 3/31/2011
Damn. They should have kissed. Gr.

The "hello, stupid" part got me laughing. Omigod, seriously hilarious. I was laughing out loud.

I love Hayden and Rae. Great characters. Lovable.
All Over You chapter 4 . 12/25/2010
I adore the best friend cliche. Sweet ones like this one just make my heart ache because I WISH it were that easy to tell your best friend that you're in love with them. So glad I found this on ADoR :)
Juliet chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
Hi, it's Juliet from A Drop of Romeo again. Hope you're not sick of me yet! Yet another story of yours has made it to the site. Congratulations. :) Here's your raving review:

If you checked out all of today's updates, you probably know that I'm falling in love with this author's writing. This is a short read, it's only four chapters. It's humorous and absolutely endearing. The ending was sweet and a tad cliche, but adorable nonetheless.


melanie chapter 3 . 4/6/2009
AGHH! it was really cute.

except i think you made a mistake when you wrote," Eight-year-old versions of me and my best friend stood there in front of our shed, grinning stupidly and holding hands as we looked at the camera."

In the other chapter you wrote that they wer eleven when they got the shed.

i still loved it though! :DD
rubberduckysabc chapter 4 . 1/6/2009
This is a very cute story
blurrylights chapter 4 . 1/4/2009
That was absolutely did an amazing job. I love your writing! :)
hiya chapter 4 . 12/24/2008
Hazelnut Romance chapter 4 . 12/23/2008
Abc1234512 chapter 4 . 11/1/2008
I loved this one. :]] I think this short story is either my favorite or second favorite of all of yours. :D
crashendingx chapter 4 . 10/4/2008
Amazingly cute.
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