Reviews for Bad Leap
The Hippie Nerd chapter 1 . 7/14/2008
This piece is amazingly descriptive- vivid, engaging images that don't go overboard and slow the pace down. It's a fine line to walk on and you do it wonderfully. It's a very interesting piece but unfortunately a bit hard to understand overall- it feels incomplete, as if there should be more or you never got around to finishing it. But what is here is great stuff.
stick chapter 1 . 4/28/2008
Okay. I'm interested. Way to leave me hanging though.

You are really talented at description. I can never do it without it seeming awkward, but you've done it perfectly. It's poetic, but it makes sense. You can still picture it with ease.

Good job really, I like it. I don't know if it's going to be continued...?

This really belongs in a better quality section than young adult.